Inspector Window
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Hi , thank you for your work , but i couldn't git it working , is there a specific package for pyfalkon to get working ??
Hi, PyFalkon should be compiled alongside Falkon source and it does no need anything more to work. If you want to build it yourself, you need PySide2 and shiboken2 developement files ( Keep in mind they migh have different names for your distribution, for example python3-pyside2 or similar.
am on archlinux , and i have falkon-git installed with pyside2 & shiboken2 , still falkon says failed to install the extension at the same time qml extenions work with no problem .
Exactlly on Archlinux should works well. Here is a sample video: Did you try with Example extension?:
Example extension qml works well , but python doesn't, in fact all python extensions doesn't work .
Please do run Falkon from the terminal and see what message will appears when you try installing a Python extension!
it says : Python support plugin is not loaded
This does not say where is the problem. Maybe try: QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 falkon, but please do not post the output here!
Extension installed to "/home/aj/.config/falkon/plugins/" Python support plugin is not loaded Failed to add plugin "python:/home/aj/.config/falkon/plugins//bookmarksbutton"
You just do not have PyFalkon plugin.
is there a special parameter during compile ?
Nope. Just all dependencies must be resolved.
> I have falkon-git installed So you have build it yourself from unknown source. Use the package from Arch repository and it should work. Are you using PKGBUILD from AUR ? You have to remove this line from PKGBUILDs prepare() function sed -i 's/set(ENABLE_PYTHON_PLUGINS TRUE)//' CMakeLists.txt