Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
(skim has been incorporated in most distros, so you may want to check your distros repository first)
more details
1.4.5 Bug Fix release:
Fixed: crash issue when deleting helper properties
Improved: implement session management support to save user config when logout from session
Fixed: compilation with qt 3.3.6
Updated: Korean translation
1.4.4 Bug Fix release:
Fixed: -f option did not work properly
Fixed: name of Built-in compose (european keyboard support) IM
Fixed: kde 3.3 compatibility
Fixed: filter saving bugs
Improved: user can not disable the setupwindow plugin to prevent users from having no configure dialog by accident
Improved: display the name of the current IM by default
Added: Panjabi(pa) translation
1.4.3 Minor Bug fix release:
Improved: apperance consistency of buttons in main window
Fixed: compile problem with qt 3.3.5
Fixed: scim-setup could not be started
1.4.2 Minor Bug fix release:
Improved: added move up/down button in filter config dialog
Improved: added ComposeKeyFactory in IMEngine setup dialog
Fixed: a bug in configure script (affecting debian system)
Fixed: toggling main window mode did not update property buttons in it
1.4.1 Minor bug fix release:
Improved: embedded mode (in kicker) of main window
Fixed: build system issues in regarding to packaging and 64 systems
1.4.0 Stable release:
Fixed remaining build system issues
Ratings & Comments
Hi there my Skim is working fine, with all KDE apps and Firefox, but not at all with skype. ctrl-space does nothing, trying to select it in a more manual way does not do much either. anyone succeed using skim with skype? what's wrong?
when I type in Japanese with skim ... does it use UTF8 or some other charset ? I have a japanese windows here, but it can't read my file names I created in KDE. also, IRC japanese channel requests people to use UTF8 could you help me with this issue. I'm so lost with charset stuff.
well, since I upgraded to KDE 3.5.0, I recompiled scim/skim/scim-* almost 20 times. It all work find on my laptop, but not on my desktop. I got scim-skk working once within those 20 times, but it was not exactly what my roommated wanted. scim-anthy which I use on my laptop, is great and works much better. and I only have on gcc version on my computer. 3.4 though, that could be an imcompatibility. when I go in the config, I can see english and japanese keyboard but when I click on dock icon, list is empty. when I go to the config again, it crash when I select the pane that should be showing available languages.
run skim in a terminal, can you notice any errors/warnings? what about scim-setup? does it crash?
japanese@kowputaa ~ $ scim-setup kdecore (KConfigSkeleton): Creating KConfigSkeleton (0x83ad5c8) kdecore (KConfigSkeleton): KConfigSkeleton::readConfig() /usr/bin/scim-setup: line 32: 17453 Segmentation fault ${exec_prefix}/lib/scim-1.0/scim-helper-launcher setup 8034d025-bdfc-4a10-86a4-82b9461b32b0 $* japanese@kowputaa ~ $ skim ... many lines... ... Failed to launch SCIM. .... .... going in the config, cliking on the Global Setup panel. .... ... QInputContext: no input method context available kutils (KCMultiDialog): [void KCMultiDialog::slotAboutToShow(QWidget*)] kutils (KCModuleProxy): [KCModule* KCModuleProxy::realModule() const] kutils (KCModuleProxy): Module not already loaded, loading module kdecore (KConfigDialogManager): Widget 'enableAllBtn' (QPushButton) remains unmanaged. kdecore (KConfigDialogManager): Widget 'disableAllBtn' (QPushButton) remains unmanaged. kdecore (KConfigDialogManager): Widget 'editHotkeysBtn' (QPushButton) remains unmanaged. kdecore (KConfigDialogManager): Widget 'editFilterBtn' (QPushButton) remains unmanaged. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error' what(): basic_string::_S_create KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2 KCrash: Application Name = skim path = pid = 17454 QInputContext: no input method context available japanese@kowputaa ~ $
try to re-emerge all scim-* packages and skim, begin with scim, then skim, then the other scim-* packages
this is usually how I fix skim when it stop working strangely. (because it happened before, yes) but right now, on my desktop, even this does not work anymore. I tried again, typing emerge -av scim skim scim-anthy scim-hangul and it just does not work. I also tried uninstalling all scim/CJK related packages before to start fresh. without success.
does anyone else has that problem with skim ? for a while it works 100%. and suddenly, after who knows what. skim keyboards list is empty. can't switch. sometimes I've been able to fix it by recompiling few packages in some specific order, but I always do it kinda.... non precisely. anyone have a real fix for me ? PS: I'm using gentoo at the moment, but I had the same problem with other distribution as well. thanks.
Make sure you compile all the packages with the same version of gcc when you upgrade kde, recompile skim as well
Hello ! I love skim... switching between US and JP keyboard never been this easy. I was wondering if you could add more keyboard, like canadian french for example. those are the three that I need. US, JP, QC ;) thanks
sorry, I am not sure what you are demanding. Could you be more specific?
the hability to use skim to switch from a english, japanese and FRENCH keyboard.
when you input japanese, in fact, you still have your current keyboard layout: it does not change at all AFAICT. So if you want to change to another layout temporary, it is beyond the scope of skim (at least atm)
If I choose kconfig instead of simple, skim doesn't work, i.e. the input method list is empty. So I am using simple config. It works, but for each application, I have to click to Chinese input to make Ctrl-space works. I am on KDE 3.4.2, XIM, and en_US utf-8
upgrade your scim to latest version please
I have scim 1.4.2, and skim 1.4.2. Both compiled from source. With kconfig selected, if I tried to run skim, it will say scim failed to load. If I run scim alone, it will either hang with 100% cpu, or exit abnormally. With simple config, everything is fine.
please give more info did you recompile skim 1.4.2 against scim 1.4.2? Is scim/skim compiled using the same version of gcc as your whole system?
Hi I tried to install the skim program on my ubuntu hoary (debian based). I already installed (1.02 given by the package installer available in this distribution) : scim, scim-chinese, scim-config-socket, scim-frontend-socket, scim-gtk2-immodule, scim-server-socket, scim-tables-zh. I tried to install the skim 1.4.0 but I received those errors even if I tried to find the UIC, MOC and so on not found items. root@desktop: # ./configure Checking for Python : /usr/bin/python Checking for SCons : Use Bundled scons. Checking for kde-config : kde-config was found Checking for kde version : 3.4.0 Checking for the qt library : qt was found as /usr Checking for uic : uic was found as /usr/bin/uic Checking for moc : moc was found as /usr/bin/moc Checking for the qt includes : the qt headers were found in /usr/include/qt3/ Checking for the kde includes : the kde headers were found in /usr/include/kde/ Checking for pkg-config : Found Checking for scim >= 1.3.3 ... Not Found Checking for scim-x11utils ... Not Found scim >= 1.3.3 was not found (mandatory). Perhaps you should add the directory containing "scim.pc" to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable root@desktop: # ./scons scons: Reading SConscript files ... Checking for scim >= 1.3.3 ... Not Found Checking for scim-x11utils ... Not Found scim >= 1.3.3 was not found (mandatory). Perhaps you should add the directory containing "scim.pc" to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Then I want to know what does I do to install skim corectly and be able to use it? Thanks a lot and have a nice day.
you have to upgrade to scim 1.4.0 first before installing skim 1.4.0
Of course I installed it (scim 1.4.0) before trying installing skim. Then ... ???
remove all old packages first "Perhaps you should add the directory containing "scim.pc" to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable" please search where is your scim.pc (from scim 1.4.x) is located, and adjust PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable accordingly
skim does not work with kde application since I updated to kde 3.4.x works fine with firefox anyone got the same problem ?
did you recompile skim against kde 3.4? skim is compatible with kde >= 3.2 (although only tested with kde >= 3.3)
1 - i got CPU load problem with skim.... it really crank up and took all my ressources until it get to a load avg of 20... I kill it... 2 - skim has two toolbar, one which allow me to switch between romanji, hiragana, katakana and the other one that show me kanji choices for my hiragana..... would you please MERGE those... or better, show the second one right at the text cursor position and allow me to scroll within those easily... thanks.
1. I do not have this issue and never heard of it from other users. Could you find someone else who encounter the same problem? 2. The input window (the latter one you mentioned) is supposed to follow the cursor. If it does not, then make sure that you do not select the sticky option in the configure dialog, under input window item on the left.