Gently Global Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Very Transparent and Blur Plasma Theme. Enabled Blurred Widgets and Adaptive Transparency
Icons: Breeze-Noir-White-Blue : Here
Icons: Breeze-Noir-Black-Blue : Here
Based on Default Breeze Icons
Icons Vivid-Glassy-Dark-Icons : Here
Icons: Breeze Chameleon Dark : Here
Icons: Breeze Chameleon Light : Here
- The folders change color depending on the Color Scheme You Set
Plasma Theme Gently : Here
Kvantum Theme KvantumGently-Kv : Here
Plasma Color Scheme Gently : Here
Aurorae Theme Gently : Here
Aurorae Theme Gently-Blur : Here
SDDM LoginTheme Gently : Here
SDDM LoginTheme Gently-Blur : Here
Plasma Splashscreen Gently : Here
Konsole Color Scheme Gently : Here
GTK-2/3 Theme Breeze-Gently : Here
Link to Wallpaper Gently-Nebula Wallpapers : Here
Link to Wallpaper Gently-Nebula-Noir Wallpapers : Here
Link to Wallpaper HDR Sessions 57 Wallpaper By Charlie Henson : Here
Link to Wallpaper Andromeda Ocean And Ship 02 HD Wallpaper : Here
Link to Wallpaper KDE Plasma Scenery 64 HD : Here
Author Wallpapers: Charlie-Henson
If you do not use the Kvantum Theme, For Blur look of the window, Kwin Scripts: Force Blur , authored by ESJEON , which you can download: Here Last changelog:
Icons: Breeze-Noir-White-Blue : Here
Icons: Breeze-Noir-Black-Blue : Here
Based on Default Breeze Icons
Icons Vivid-Glassy-Dark-Icons : Here
Icons: Breeze Chameleon Dark : Here
Icons: Breeze Chameleon Light : Here
- The folders change color depending on the Color Scheme You Set
Plasma Theme Gently : Here
Kvantum Theme KvantumGently-Kv : Here
Plasma Color Scheme Gently : Here
Aurorae Theme Gently : Here
Aurorae Theme Gently-Blur : Here
SDDM LoginTheme Gently : Here
SDDM LoginTheme Gently-Blur : Here
Plasma Splashscreen Gently : Here
Konsole Color Scheme Gently : Here
GTK-2/3 Theme Breeze-Gently : Here
Link to Wallpaper Gently-Nebula Wallpapers : Here
Link to Wallpaper Gently-Nebula-Noir Wallpapers : Here
Link to Wallpaper HDR Sessions 57 Wallpaper By Charlie Henson : Here
Link to Wallpaper Andromeda Ocean And Ship 02 HD Wallpaper : Here
Link to Wallpaper KDE Plasma Scenery 64 HD : Here
Author Wallpapers: Charlie-Henson
If you do not use the Kvantum Theme, For Blur look of the window, Kwin Scripts: Force Blur , authored by ESJEON , which you can download: Here
Gently Global Theme
Ratings & Comments
10 This is one of my favorites. Also Goldy-Dark-Global. Thank you very much!
Thank You very much, cossmo! I appreciate Your support.
10 any plans for plasma 6?
Thank You very much, nebrassy! Yes, of course. I hope soon.
7 It's not really transparent
What happened to the dark theme? Why is it replaced by the white Blur Glassy?
I made a mistake and posted "Blur-Glassy". Thank you very much for the information. Everything is OK now.
1 1 Ugh
10 10 the best. Prefer this over the 'color' versions. Excellent work.
Thank you very much, stickwoo! I greatly appreciate Your support.
Thank you very much, renifer! However, it is not a problem in Global Theme. We wait for the Opendesktop team to resolve this problem.
Looks like everything is fine now.
Pobieranie "Gently Global Theme" nie powiodło się, błąd: Error transferring https://files03.pling.com/api/files/download/j/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6IjE2NzU2MzA3ODciLCJvIjoiMSIsInMiOiJhYmQxNzJjZjc4ZDFkNzQ3YjQyMDYxYjVjZWUwMjIwZDQyZTAwMTc1MjM1Y2Q2ZDA1MTFjY2ExNWI0N2RkZDYzNGIwNTJkYzFlNWQ2ZGU0ZDQ4NWExNTgyZmQ1ZmI3YmJkMDUyYzQ0N2M1YmY0ZGEwNzcyMzRiYjgxOTBjMzcyYyIsInQiOjE2NzYyOTIzMTgsInN0ZnAiOm51bGwsInN0aXAiOiIxODguMzMuMjQ4LjEwNyJ9.6zddSyKLuKlTcPM2qfygSCTtLlwW2nD0DiqEsp9ZYhs/Gently.tar.gz - server replied: Not Found
Looks great and I'd love to use it, but my system tells me about some unfilled dependencies: Operating System: KDE neon 5.26 KDE Plasma Version: 5.26.5 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.102.0 Qt Version: 5.15.8 Graphics Platform: X11 What can I do to use this theme?
Hi plerat, Which unfilled dependencies?
Thanks for replying! It says something about this: kns://icons.knsrc/api.kde-look.org/1361471 I don't really know what this is meant to tell me. :(
For some reason, Global Theme cannot download the "Breeze-Noir-Black-Blue Icons" icons whose ID 1361471 If you have those icons installed, uninstall them and then try to install the Global Theme "Gently-Global"
10 My best favourite. I love the details. Very accurate, professional.
Thank You, Neules! I very much appreciate Your support!
10 The only theme i am satisfied with.
Thank You very mych, rohanxd17! I'm really glad. Welcome,
9 Love this theme. Dark, subtle and clean.
Thank You very mych jtking ! Welcome,
9 9 excellent
Thank You very mych gtfsheff! Welcome,