VirusTotal Uploader Scan Analyze Menu - Quick Simple Install
Dolphin Service Menus antivirus malware scan uploader virustotal
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Service menu for VirusTotal Uploader (https://github.com/VirusTotal/qt-virustotal-uploader) current version of the application does not support files as parameter you will have to drag the file(s) over once the app is opened. This service menu feature a quick simple install, no deb/rpm/sh... required just the desktop file nothing more.
Donation: any donations are welcome to: paypal: intika@librefox.org thanks a lot
Donation: any donations are welcome to: paypal: intika@librefox.org thanks a lot
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1 Comment
Dear developers, please, make life easier for novice users on Linux. Explain in detail how to install themes, new functions, etc. Please please please. Thank you