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A small collection of tools to use with the other Mojo bundles. Mojo is primarily aimed at cartoonists and comic books.

The four Mojo bundles are: Mojo Tools, Mojo Ink, Mojo Tone, and Mojo Paint. Mojo Tools includes pencils, erasers, and other tools for prep and cleanup.

The gutter tool Guttersnip has already been deprecated in favor of ink tools called Gutterpens.

The bundle includes:


Graphite - your pencil needs sharpening!

Configured to look like a pencil that's always on the edge of needing a bit of sharpening. This is done through randomness and density of the brush tip, combined with varied strength via stylus pressure.

To create a sense of urgency, the brush tip is oval instead of round, and follows your the direction of your line. This will prepare you to use many of the Mojo Ink brushes, which attempt to recreate the feel of a brush trailing along the paper.

Because of the randomness and low density of Graphite, it's very slow at erasing in (E) eraser mode. That's fine if you are making small, detailed corrections, but for best results use Rubber set to the eraser end of your stylus.


Rubber - all-purpose eraser

An all-purpose eraser designed especially for the eraser end of your stylus. It can handle a range of situations through pressure; rub it lightly for a large, soft kneaded eraser effect, then apply higher pressure for a small, sharp erasure.

Don't go anywhere without your Rubber!


Planner - bright lines for bright planning

This modified version of Graphite is relentlessly bright and angled against you for big, simple lines.

Any eraser will wipe this out, of course, but use Brightout to erase bright lines and nothing else.

NOTE: This should be blue by default, but for some reason at the moment I can only manage to configure red or purple lines. I'll try to get this fixed in subsequent versions of this set.

In any case, pick blue or any color, and it will become a bright line.


Brightout - specialty eraser wipes bright lines

A specialty eraser wipes out bright lines, handy if drawn on the same layer with graphite or inks.

Demo: A rough layout wiped partially away from a more finished graphite drawing.

NOTE: If Brightout is used on a layer to be included in final production, the layer should be set to multiply, or cleaned up with the *Color Alpha* filter to fully eliminate the line's visibility.


Blackout - specialty eraser wipes dark lines

A specialty eraser that wipes dark colors away from brights.

Demo: The randomness and low density of Graphite allows enough of the bright layout drawing to survive. A more solid ink line would destroy too much of the original for the magic to work.


Stripper - eliminates anti-aliasing

A sort of eraser, but more of a conversion tool to prepare art for strict black and white printing. Darks become black, and light tones are stripped away.

The featured sample shows a slightly anti-aliased halftone converted to solid black and white. The halftone was created with Zipper, from the Mojo Ink bundle.


Trimmer - a pair of scissors

A pair of scissors, or a knife. Trace around small areas or large for quick and complete eradication.

NOTE: Since this is not actually a selection tool, you won't see an ant-like line around your selection. You will however see your selection begin to disappear as you trace around it. If you are tracing a complex shape, you may see the wrong area begin to disappear, but don't panic. Nothing gets cut until you complete your outline.


Guttersnip - tool for creating panels and gutters

A tool for creating manga-style gutters on a comic book page. This requires a number of steps: create a solid black area that covers your entire panel layout, then use Guttersnip with the line tool to draw the gutters between the panels you want.

After that, it's simply a matter of hollowing out the panels. Use *select opaque*, then shrink the selection by the target border line width. Hit (X) to cut, or use a filter to invert the selection.


Lettering guide - brush-on guide for hand lettering

A temporary pattern for hand-lettering. Brush it on, and letter directly on the same layer, if desired. Eliminate it with the Brightout eraser.

For resizing the guide itself, resizing the brush won't work. You will have to edit the brush. There is a copy included in case you're not comfortable editing the main brush.

How to edit the pattern size: Hit *Edit Brush Settings* on the toolbar or hit (F5). In the long menu on the left, select *Pattern*, then the *Options* tab. Adjust *Scale* to resize the pattern.

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version 1.0
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