Description: Copy iMac theme, support all gnome desktop!
The theme is based on 365os and the color is taken from win10! If you like the macos style, you might like it. You should set the system font to 9 before installing it
建议把系统字体大小设置为9 !!! Please set the font size to 9 !!!
解压文件,用root权限移动到/usr/share/themes文件夹 Unzip the file and use root to move to the /usr/share/themes folder
使用GNOME tweak tool选中该主题(gnome) Use the GNOME tweak tool to select the theme(gnome)
Install GNOME Shell extension to enable the appropriate Shell theme.
设置->个性化->主题->(deepin) Set -> personalization -> theme->selects the theme(deepin)
设置->窗口管理器->选中该主题(xfce) Set -> window manager -> selects the theme(xfce) 设置->主题->选中本主题(xfce) Set -> theme -> selects this theme(xfce) ----------------------------------------------------------- If you like, you can donate!
If you find that chrome colors are different from topbar colors, turn off hardware acceleration mode!!!
Please find a way to make clear in the filename what each download is as otherwise people will download all the files while guessing and the product will be excluded from receiving plings. Thanks.
Ratings & Comments
Awesome O.O
What are all the different version numbers of the Files?
The color code
Please find a way to make clear in the filename what each download is as otherwise people will download all the files while guessing and the product will be excluded from receiving plings. Thanks.
The last picture has color code
10 10 the best
Not all fonts look nice on 9 size. Could you make a compact version??
Can you provide the screenshot
I changed some little thing on CSS files and now works fine on my 1366 x 768 resolution. So, thank you, Facecolor, great work!!!