Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
Its hard for me to say what colors would look good without actually looking but what about regular fonts with just different accents or not. I do think that would be cool though but like I said without me being able to see what the results are it is really hard for me to say.I use the matcha icons with it because I dont like the solid color icons but the matcha folder icons are perfect match for the green. Check them out maybe. Just some user input I guess.Great work though .
Look at my Archway theme. That's what I derived this one from. Blue accents, mostly white text. I think I know what you're saying. If I get more time in the coming weeks maybe I'll see what I can do.
I tried it and I do like it alot. I see you really like the solid color icons. I use color folders application or script also to change colors. I may start doing some theming. I don't know why but I am never satisfied with my theme. I tell you what would be cool and unusual is a good grey theme. I have only seen a few but they were old style themes. Something about the grey and also brown that helps me focus on things better. Keep up the good work.
I've done some good gray and brown ones in the past. Just started sharing things on open desktop/gnome-look after an extended break. Everything I've done over the years lives on deviantArt under cbowman57. But yeah, if you have some ideas and the inclination try your hand at doing some themes.
9 +
No I love the black just more variations of accent colors.
Really cool theme. Would love to see it in more colors.
Accent colors, or different colors overall? Let me know what you've got in mind. ;-)
9 +
Thanks. :-)