Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:Darcwaita gnome shell & gtk themes
The unholy marriage of my theming styles incorporated with that of Arc-Dark
( by Horst3180 & currently maintained by NicoHood )
The shell theme is built from the current version of Gnome 3.30 but has been interjected with bits from
the previous 2 versions as well so should be compatible with 3.26 & 3.28. Applying it with the user-theme
extension should make it at least 90% compatible for versions even older.
If you install the gnome-shell-theme.gresource file you will have the benefit of gdm login screen colored
in the Darcwaita colors ** BACKUP your current gnome-shell-theme.gresource file in case it fails to work
correctly ** If all else fails just reinstall gnome-shell using the package installer for your particular
The Gtk3 is built from the current gtk+ version 3.24
The Gtk2 provided is the one from the Arc-Dark theme with a couple very minor modifications
(For non-Gnome shell users convenience the Gtk themes are available standalone, just extract and drop into
a folder named Darcwaita)
My philosophy towards theme customization is that the Gnome team provides the best and most up to date code
for a fast and reliable desktop, it merely lacks the color and style options that I find most appealing.
If you feel so inclined and you find any of these themes useful you could contribute to my Kraken Fund
but if that's not in the budget a + and a comment is appreciated as well.
30 Mar 2020
Added shell theme for Gnome 3.36
(Work in progress)
Ratings & Comments
10 My favourite dark theme, hope you'll continue to improve it :)
Thank you.
9 9 excellent Loved your gray theme from the beginning
Much appreciated.
10 10 the best
Thank you.
This is really nice! I'm not big on totally dark themes, but this one does a great job. In Xfce,I'm unable to move the close, maximize and minimize buttons to the left. Also, text in Firefox to write in is almost impossible to read as it's a dark gray like the box itself. Otherwise, really nice!!!
Thanks. For the Firefox problem all I can do at the moment is suggest finding a Firefox theme/skin that addresses the problem. For the window buttons in xfce, open up the themerc file in the xfwm4 folder and comment this line out "button_layout=O|HMC". That should free them up so they can be repositioned.
Hello, I am sorry i am pretty new to this but how do i install it on my kali linux do you have instructions that could help me please?
Put in /usr/share/themes or .themes in your home folder.
I most still be doing something wrong because shouldn't it make my entire desktop look like yours and give me the right bar for my workspace? I have only made minor changes with application and shell. I rebooted but nothing. Am I supposed to select a file in shell?
Google is your friend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhipU6Nsx2s
Thank you very much I think I got it figured out.
Good. ;-)
9 +
Thanks a lot. ;-)
9 +
Thank you.
9 +
Thanks. It's good to have feedback.