openSUSE Argon Wallpapers
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Added Tumbleweed-1024x768, and Tumleweed-1920x1080
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Ratings & Comments
Hi l4k1, I am continuing to enjoy this wallpaper on the desktop. I hope not to disturb you. Would you by chance create another set with the logo how you initially had it with the various wallpaper sizes also? I find myself sometimes thinking the logo should perhaps be like you initially had it. Thank you again for this wallpaper.
The current resolution of the monitor is 1024x768. -Regards
Hi panorain, I added 1024x768 and 1920x1080. Is it better now?
Hi l4k1, I have created a KDE album and uploaded the 1024x768 screenshot to imgbb so you are able to see it as displayed as on the desktop here. It's nice either way. Let me know if you wish me to try more.
9 This is very good work. I have this installed on openSUSE Tumbleweed, currently using very small 75hz Winbook monitor. Possible to move Tumbleweed insignia further to the right side and maybe even up a small bi? Systray almost starts to cover it (may be different with different monitors)...... Excellent work, thank you.
Update: maybe move Tumbleweed insignia right to be vertical with 'Peek at Desktop'. Appears to not be covering systray which is good. Thank you again. Much more comfortable than default. :O
Thank You very much, panorain! What is the resolution of your monitor?