Victory Gtk Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Thanks again everyone! I really appreciate all the feedback, votes, and comments!
I have also recently set up Patreon and Liberapay pages for those interested in supporting my work, and any contributions are greatly appreciated:
- Darin
++ Installing ++
To install, downloaded the tar.gz, open it and extract the folder of your preferred theme into your ~/.themes folder (if your home directoy does not have a .themes folder, create one). Then open your desktops Appearance Manager to select the theme.
+ Appearance Managers
- XFCE: xfce4-appearance-settings (for Theme/Controls)
- XFCE: xfwm4-settings (for Window Border)
- LXDE: lxappearance (for Theme/Controls)
- LXDE/Openbox: obconf (for Window Border)
+ Theme Directory is located at /home/USERNAME/.themes
++ Configure ++
You can modify the colors and change some styles in the /home/USERNAME/.themes/victory-gtk-theme/gtk-3.20/gtk.css file. Open that file and you can change the colors. At the bottom you can uncomment lines for various custom styles that will affect certain applications or parts of the theme (hopefully more styles to be added later). For example, in Thunar you can change the pathbar to show only the pathbar (and hide the buttons), or show the pathbar and only the Back and Forward buttons (hiding Up and Home).
++ Other Projects ++
I have two other Icon Themes on here, I'm sorry they haven't been updated in some time but still should work okay. They are the icons being used in the preview pictures and some people asked where to get them so I will link them below.
Victory Icon Theme
El Nuove Icon Theme
[ 2021-12 ]
[ Changes ]
+ Fixed tabs and contents not having borders
+ Headerbars have a little less padding
+ Headerbar buttons should be a little more square
+ Fixed some toolbar buttons in Nemo File Manager being too wide
+ Fixed stack selector from being ugly (used in Nemo Preferences)
+ Fixed level bars not showing correctly
+ GtkFileChooser sidebar, removed some double borders
+ Fixed menubars on csd windows not matching normal menubars
+ Fixed Nautilus having double borders at top with multiple tabs
+ Better support for Nautilus pathbar and searchbar
+ Fixed menus not rendering correctly
+ Fix for gedit sidebar tabs
+ Fix issue where Elementary Files had a red "new tab" button
+ Better theming for Nemo, Elementary Files, Thunar, Nautilus
Ratings & Comments
9 Glad to see Darin is still around and active! Do you plan an update for this theme please? Thanks
left side of thunar is bright red ?
Hi thanks for reporting this. But sorry, I don't seem to see this issue with Thunar 4.17 or 4.18. Would you be able to maybe post a screenshot and let me know what version of Thunar you're using? Thanks.
I am using Thunar 4.18.4 on xfce 4.18 on xubuntu minimal desktop on ubuntu lunar lobster (development branch). And i am using the theme provided here version 21.12. .themes/victory-gtk-theme-2021-12/gtk-3.0/gtk.css has: ... /* new stuff */ @define-color sidebar_bg_color #FF0D0D; /* nice6E889D best6A7075 #919191 #5D5E5E 5B5C5C*/ /* #9CBFEB #757575test for near-flat*/ @define-color sidebar_fg_color #858585; /* 83878A */ ... #FF0D0D is red, changing this to for example #808080 makes the Thunar sidebar grey.
Renaming gtk-3.0 folder to .exclude-gtk-3.0 fixes a ton of problems. So maybe the gtk-3.0 version of this theme needs some fixing.
https://snipboard.io/0Thjvq.jpg screenshot of afw-gtk2 and afw-gtk3 side by side https://snipboard.io/CWdvnE.jpg red thunar under configure you mention a gtk-3.20 folder but it is not provided in the theme.
Pulled from git and linked to the versioned (?, surely an antipattern) subdirs to test it. A couple of little bugs: (BUG#1): GTK3 switches render in red and toothpaste green in libgtk 3.24.30 (current Debian testing). (BUG#2): only one Xfwm theme is hidpi, and the rest have unusable 1px resize handles. They all should have chunky usable borders do that we can have matching styles *and* usability. Thanks for making the hidpi one have resize *corners* though.
I'm using version 17.04 from bitbucket, btw. I assume your git has the latest version.
Sorry, no, the 17.04 version is from 2017. The git hasn't been updated in a while, sorry, I need to fix that. Please use the latest version uploaded here, 21.12.
10 10 the best
7 7 good
9 nice theme, thanks, just to mention: there is no thumbnail.png file into gtk-3.0 and gtk2.0 folder, so that there is no preview into cinnamon theme selector, please add it !
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 11
10 10 the best
Basically a bleached GTK theme. Na, not for me.
10 10 the best
7 7 good
10 10 the best
9 +Your theme is the cleanest of them all. But I have a problem. My panel looks weird and my xfce vala panel (Global Menu) is having a different color compared to other plugins. prntscr.com/kl7uwf
Sorry for the very late response. I tried to fix this in the 19.10 update. After starting Vala Panel and setting the theme then logging out and in again it seemed to work fine. But if you still use this theme and still have that issue let me know
9 +Very sharp and clean light theme, not something you see often nowadays
9 Excellent theme & Icon Theme too. IMO one of the best for the XFCE desktop.