Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
Excellent widget! However, there are plenty of us who like to occasionally switch between multiple stations. Do you have any plans to add a possibility of making a simple list of stations that we can edit? this would make it perfect! Thanks in advance!
Thanks. Unfortunately, I do not have any plans to work on the plasmoid. I created it, to scratch my itch. But you can take a look at the code on GitHub, its not too complicated.
Wow, thanks a ton! This just proves how great Linux community can be :)
9 + I created an account here just to say this is a perfect, minimalist and does-the-job-as-intended widget. Thanks a lot for this!
Thanks for the repsone
9 Does the job. Works in both desktop and systray. I just miss an update of the tooltip when the text has changed (some radios send the song playing this way). For now I have to pause/play to get it. Oh, I know users always want more, but just a choice between 3 stations would be good!
That would be great indeed ;-) I even thought about integrating to select radio stations, but that is another story...
9 + This is just great. I wasn't able to edit radio link other than by vim, but who cares.
When you right click the icon, there should be the usual "Configure SRP...". In this dialog, you can edit the Stream-URL
Users care ;-) Just right click on the icon (or looong click if it is in the desktop).
9 +
9 +good app