AlphaBlack Control [Plasma 5]
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:A simple widget to control the desktop theme's accent color (including titlebars), panel opacity, and the style of the taskbar's window buttons.
Plasma 5.18+
Right click the systray triangle > Configure System Tray
Find "AlphaBlack Control" > Change "Show when relevant" to "Disabled"
Plasma 5.17 and below
In v4, the widget will hide when you lock the widgets. It will also hide when not using the Breeze AlphaBlack desktop theme (or Breeze Dark for technical reasons).
v7 - December 11 2020
* Now requires Breeze AlphaBlack v17.
* Fix Apply Titlebar Colors button which used a script removed in Breeze AlphaBlack v17 (Mentioned in Issue #2)
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 the best for KDE!!!
9 More themes should include a control like this.
10 Really nice for fine tuning the look of Breeze
9 +
9 +
9 +
9 + Great widget for a great theme.
Could you please tell me how to remove it...I mean I deleted it and still appears in the system tray entries. I'm using the theme (BTW GREAT theme) but not the widget as it seems it does not do anything, rather do it manually but after deleting it it still appears in the 'System Tray Settings'. Thank you.
If you deleted it (via Add Widgets > Get New Widgets > Download > Remove), then you'll probably need to relog for it to disappear. You could also just hide it by right click the System Tray "triangle", open System Tray Settings, and uncheck the widget under Extra Items.
I rebooted 4XTimes. I removed it via 'Get New Widgets' them manually from '.local/share/plasma/plasmoids' and I did disable it and hide it, I'm not saying it's active, just still in the menu for Extra items. And I remember it was a problem on another OS. So you have no idea also. Oh well! I'll try to find a way...
It's possible that while it's "uninstalled", the system tray widget "remembers" that you want it disabled in case it is ever installed again. I know the System Tray keeps a list in ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc Ctrl+F for "hiddenItems=", it's probably in there under "com.github.zren.alphablackcontrol".
Please see screenshot attached: https://expirebox.com/download/84e7445fd4730f82fd29c0233561dd7c.html In short, it does not work even though disabled. I deleted it's line once from .config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc (under 'known items' and it reappeared after boot. Thank you for the effort.
You can't edit the "appletrc" with plasmashell running, as plasmashell will overwrite your changes when the process is killed. So first open up the terminal in one window, and "appletrc" in another window. Run "killall plasmashell" in the terminal. Edit the "appletrc" file. Then run "kstart5 plasmashell" in the Terminal to bring back Plasma/panels/wallpaper.
Thank you. I think I discovered the issue. As long as my theme is your theme "Breeze AlphaBlack" it will be there. When I change the theme, the widget selection is gone. So I will stick with it. Thank you.
9 +
Say that I want to uninstall the addon / revert it: How do I change back the window border colours? I have changed the taskbar theme and colour scheme back to breeze, but the window border colour is still determined by this widget, even after I have uninstalled it. Can this be reverted?
Just change your color theme to fix the titlebar color.
Upon changing the colour theme, the titlebar colour is fixed, but the window borders are not. Here is what is happening when I remove and uninstall the widget, and change my colour theme when the widget set the colour theme to #000000: https://i.imgur.com/0iG5HaB.png Note the black borders, with only the titlebar being reverted.
Open up ~/.config/kdeglobals Then delete the [WM] section. It should reset the colors to the defaults. This section: [WM] activeBackground=0,0,0 activeBlend=252,252,252 activeFont=Noto Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular activeForeground=255,255,255 activeTitleBtnBg=255,0,255 frame=0,0,0 handle=255,0,0 inactiveBackground=0,0,0 inactiveBlend=75,71,67 inactiveForeground=255,255,255 inactiveFrame=0,0,0 inactiveHandle=0,255,0 inactiveTitleBtnBg=0,0,255
Thanks a lot, the colours have reset. Good plasmoid by the way, but perhaps have the option to reset the window border without the need for manually deleting anything from config files, or an option for the colour modification to only affect certain aspects of the window. Regardless, nice work.