Available as/for:debian-packagedesktoprelease-stablewindows-binaryx86x86-64
Description: WIL(Wemade Image Library) editor
There is a library to parse WIL file: https://github.com/baiyqukq/libwil.git
Full features, need to accomplish: * Cross-platform supported * Convenient to view images * Convenient to extract images * Base edit functions: add, remove and replace * Modify offset each image * Preview frame animation * Multi-language supported * View color palette * View and modify meta-data, such as title * WIX functions, such as generate WIX file, check whether match WIX and WIL * Efficiently deal with placeholder, such as clear all placeholders * Import or Export other file formats(XML from Texture Packer; TSX from tiled map editor)Last changelog:
1.Fixed Chinese translation on Ubuntu 2.Use the index to be file name by default when extract an image
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