Important: If you dont have QtCurve installed dont download this theme!!
How to install: - Download .AppImage file - Give execution permissions with: chmod +x *.AppImage - Run "./*_look-and-feel.AppImage" file. - Select "Vista-blue" theme on look-and-feel kde settings. - Change "transparent windows blur" settings on KDE systemsettings
To see source code, appimage elements or for manual/on-error installation use: ./*.AppImage --appimage-extract
Changes: 0.3 - No changes, only vlc transparency problem fixed. 0.2 - Added look-and-feel layout. 0.1 - Initial
Uhmm judging by the screenshots it looks gorgeous, but can't it be installed it the normal way? (plasma desktop theme + aurorae window theme) I don't like having to execute it, besides where is the source code just like everyone else usually links to github? I use Linux Mint KDE which comes with Plasma 5.8 Lts, will this work there? I guess I shall test in a VM and comment again later.
Ratings & Comments
9 +
9 +awesome
Hey, I really like your theme! Is there any way to install in on Arch KDE?
Use: ./Vista_look-and-feel.AppImage --appimage-extract Then run ./ You can edit the *.sh file to make compatible with Arch
9 +
Uhmm judging by the screenshots it looks gorgeous, but can't it be installed it the normal way? (plasma desktop theme + aurorae window theme) I don't like having to execute it, besides where is the source code just like everyone else usually links to github? I use Linux Mint KDE which comes with Plasma 5.8 Lts, will this work there? I guess I shall test in a VM and comment again later.
There is nothing strange in the appImage, but I will upload the file with each of its elements for those who like to analyze the code ...