A dark theme based on Noc and Helium
I hope you like it :-)

Official wallpapers:
Nilium Wallpaper V2

License: CC BY-SA 4.0
read this before forking my work:
If you use my work to create forks. please try to donate some money, since it takes me a lot of time and effort to create and discover new techniques to improve themes for Plasmashell.
I will be very grateful if you do :-)
Ratings & Comments
9 Please fix icon only task manager active app background from blue square to app launcher like dash or dot indicator which looks good.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
One thing I forgot to mention is that I move everything to the center in the panel when I edit the panel. I also move the sliders to the center so that everything is centered. This is where the rounding comes in.
Man I can't get the screenshot but it is round. The file I replaced is panel-background.svgz with the file from Reversal-Dark plasma theme. The one from Reversal-Dark does not have a z. It is only panel-background.svg but it works.
Well mine has rounded corners. file:///home/theo/Pictures/Screenshot_20210415_215153.png
Oh. I forgot. I replaced the panel-background.svg in widgets with the pane-background.svg from Reversal-Dark theme to make it round. Looks nice but the problem is it is now darker than my menu backround. I would now have to figure out how to get the menu background darker also, unless you have ideas. The transparent is great but the solid black looks better.
it only replaces the dialog/backgroud.svg to match the panel.
Hi. Just want to post a correction. Version 3.4.1 also did not have the color except for the system.svg file. My bad. But I sorted it out. I copied the system.svg icon file to version 4.0.0 and removed the viewitem.svgz widget so that there is a lining around the box if you go into the menu. Please consider giving the selection when you go into the menu some color. It just makes a fantastic theme even better.
10 Hi. I liked 3.4.1 better because it had color. The new one version 4.0.0 is just dull. Bring back the color please. I switched back to version 3.4.1 and I am using Plasma 5.21.3
Could you tell me which element is missing color? the theme hasn't changed much practically, all I did was adapt this version to Plasma 5.21
10 10 the best
Both installing via knewstuff and downloading and installing as local archives are failing with this version
I uploaded it again, thank you very much for reporting the problem :-)
No worries, thanks to you for sharing your work.
10 El tema perfecto para l@s usuari@s de plasma.
also which font do you use?
the font is note sans the one that Plasma 5 has by default, only that the DPI is at 98 to better visualize some objects.
I cold change the theme but not the look. when i go to look and feel i don't see the theme!
I do not understand, could you explain a little more your answer please.
9 9 отлично
9 9 excellent