You'll be able to get the full theme collection here : Darkine collection.
For better looking please use this theme with Kvantum engine.
The theme / collection contain :
- Plasma - Look-and-Feel
- Plasma - Desktop Theme
- Plasma - Color Scheme
- Aurorae Theme (Classic and Mac/Sweet style)
- Kvantum Theme
- GTK Theme
- Icon-pack
- Wallpapers
- SDDM Theme (build from scratch with QtQuick2, without KDE dependencies).
- Firefox Quantum theme at
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9 +
Do you have any suggestions for a GTK theme to use with this?
Hi, not really sorry :x I have only LibreOffice in gtk but i use the default theme with it.
U can make a gtk theme in less than 60 sec for this.
Awesome theme! Will you make a semi-dark version? For example like Adapta-KDE, but with your colors :)
Thank you ! I continue to use and watch if there are bug fixes on the current theme but I'm already on another project now so I do not really have time to do more things at once: p
Okay :)
I want vote you +, but I can't. Great work! Promoting it in my blog.
Hello, i have find and read your article with google trad :) Thanks a lot !
Mate! I love this!!! i waiting for something from DARK! . Great Work!
Thank you :) I have add a few explain how change the blue color of Papirus iconpack to purple color on the Github page if you want.