Description:This is a Splashy theme, based on Wojciech Rak's Radioactive Wallpaper (LXP means Linux eXtremly Powerfull)
HowTo install:
install splashy via synaptic/adept, unpack and copy the lxp directory to /etc/splashy/themes, then run -as root- "splashy_config --set-theme lxp".
you might add "vga=791 splash quiet" to the kernel command line in /boot/grub/menu.lst
if the splash does not show up and you edited grubs config then run "update-initramfs -u $(uname -r)" then it should work
one more thing: it has a small white progress bar at the bottom, you can't see it on the screenshot.Last changelog:
1.1: second release
- fixed misspelled word
- removed duplicated image
1.0: inital release
Ratings & Comments
I love this splash :D btw: "Powerfull" is german slang ^^ *lol*
Haha, very nice, but you misspelled "powerful."