is dockable to the XMMS-Player and supports the LED-Clipping.
- also possible
- "AmaroK" with the XMMS Visual Plugin Version >= 1.4.4-111
- "Audacious-Player" with the Analog VU meter plugin 0.4 from (
* RPM-Package Vumeterplugin for SuSE 10.1 !
* Raoul Martin has build a RPM-Package for SuSE. -Thanks-
* You can download it from his Homepage (
* "vumeter-0.9.2-lotus.i586.rpm" under DOWNLOAD section.
* RPM-Packages Vumeterplugin SuSE 9.3 / 10.0 / 10.1 / 10.2
* James Ogley ( has build the Packages for all SuSE-Distributions.
* You can download it from following adress: (
* Also have a visit to ( -Thanks too-
* Package Vumeterplugin for Slackware 11.0
* (
* SuSE-Distribution !!!
* To get the XMMS-Player working properly, install the packages "xmms" and "xmms-lib"
* from PACKMAN (
The Player-Skins can be downloaded from:
Almond Dark-Blue
Gnome-Look (
Ater Green
Gnome-Look (
bunjee blue&orange

Winamp Homepage (
Expensive HiFi
1001 Skins (

Customize org (
iFraizer Edition
Gnome-Look (
Kore Player
Gnome-Look (
My First Sony
Winamp Homepage (
Gnome-Look (
KDE-Look (
Gnome-Look (
Zen by ~k-raki
deviantART (
To install a Player-Skin put the downloaded "*******.wsz" - File in the directory:
/home/~/.xmms/Skins ---- XMMS can read "*.wsz" - Files.
If You have downloaded a Tar-archive extract it to the same directory
( Actual version of the XMMS-Player is 1.2.10, needs only 2% CPU-Time )
Installation of the vu-meterplugin:
If there is no RPM-Package for Your Distribution available
You have to install from sources, don`t be afraid, it's easy !
1. Download and untar the Source-File from "Sourceforge"
2. Check whether You have installed the GCC Compiler on Your system and update
the XMMS-Player if necessary. Install the "XMMS-Devel Package" !!!
3. Open a console and become root, go into the untared directory of the
4. Run following 3 commands one after the other:
./configure or configure
make install
When You get an error-message, look at "google" to solve the problem !!!
5. The plugin is now installed. Next You have to make a new directory called
VU_Meter_skins in Your local XMMS-directory (/home/~/.xmms/). Move
the "default" and the other Skins from the untared Plugin to the new directory.
Start XMMS and activate the VUmeter-plugin. Ready!
When it doesn't starts, then first have a look on the rights of the new files.
A detailed installation guidance for the plugin and the Skins You can
find under: (
or: (
You can configure the plugin by clicking the button leftside top. I prefer
the settings You can see in the 2 windows of the screenshot.
There is also a config-file in each Skin-directory, there You can set
items as for example the color of the needles and more, more, more...
Ratings & Comments
10 Excellent ! THANKS !!
Wonderful themes. I love the kore one. Thanks a bunch! Also, where can I find that wallpaper in the first screen?
Thx, for Your good comment. The Wallpaper is called: "We are You, You are Me" by gatobob-spotty You can find it on Deviantart
Thanks to you I have just installed this plugin, and am using one of your skins, and I love it. Thank you.
i install the plugin for xmms. i create a new directory in /home/smash76/.xmms called Vu_Meter_skins and i move inside this skin and the other. Now when i open the visualization plugins i see the vu meter plugin but when i klik for ability don't run.... why? i have a suse 10.1 and i have downloades the plugin from roul martis site's.
The Plugin needs a "default" Skin ! Make under Vu_Meter_Skins a new directory and call it default. Download from the Plugins Website another Skin and put it in the "default" directory. You can also make one of my Skin's as default.
mmmmmmhhhhhhhh ok i have created the dirextory default and i move inside the skin...... now when i klik on ability in visualization plugin in up left on the desktop appears and endured scompare but not appears correctly...the graphics is distorted..... ?????????????????
It's perhaps a problem of Your configuration. To solve the problem I suggest You to make an update of the XMMS-Player. Actual version is XMMS-1.2.10. Take the default skin from the tarfile of "Sourceforge" and have a look on the rights of the new files and directory !! When You have further problems, send me a mail with Your System and Configuration. I will try to help You.
vumeter-0.9.2-lotus.i586.rpm at under DOWNLOAD section ( My SuSE RPM's )