Nu_amaroK mookup

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my vision of 'How amarok just be?'
but not completed yet :

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i dont like it if themes arent square because then the windows dont fit together. also bitmap based themes are horrible. the theme itself looks nice, i.e. the simple white, but i'd rater have a kde/qt-style that lloks like that than just a theme for amarok.


Skinnable Amarok. I like it. I don't think it would create such a mishmash of different themes and style but instead offer more choice, which is what Open Source is all about anyways. Windows Media Player is skinnable, as well as XMMS and WinAmp. This is a great idea and hopefully Amarok will include something similar to this in the future. However, I would always like to be able to easily go back to the original theme.


It's very beautiful, but consistency is more important than beauty. If every kde app made itself individual and beautiful, kde would become a crazy mishmash of metaphors, artistic styles and behaviour. A bit like the unix desktop was in 1999.


Would be a nice addition. I wouldn't want it to replace the amarok window with all its information but I can imagine it as an alternative to the small player window or as third mode - or as superkaramba theme.


This mockup is fresh, different and pleasant for the eyes. This should be the mini player mode of amarok... definitly If I remember correctly, in Qt4 you can have freeform windows ;) Oh and please feel free to think about other KDE apps too *g*


I love the look of it! I must comment on the lack of functionality though. I think at least there should be library/playlist-selector. This might be made with tabs or something like that, you will have to decice that since you are the artist, and I will comment again :-) Very good work!


Awesome mockup. I think it is very simple and definetively be part of amarok. Bu of course not taking away the functionality. This can be used as a "medium size" skin and the controller as the "small size" skin.


apps should be usable not beautifle, that's the job for toolkit/desktop enviroment skin, this mockup hides _many_ information that I want to see when I got amarok open, I open it to change music, see lirycs, fix tags, when It's playing it's hidden so I don't care how it looks, it's just got to do the job.


your rigth. But I think that the best thing on linux is that you can change everything as you want it. and I like eyecandy verymuch so I find it an good idea and would like to see different skins for amarok, but also for other progs like kopete (and the possibility to easy creat your own skin) (sry for bad enlish)


For many programs, it'd be nice if they had a button that switches between minimalistic and complete functionality views.


If we have something like compact mode in windows media player than sure, why not, but make it an addition to normal amarok, an extra button that make Your amarok look like this mokup (and option to select how does it looks when it starts, normal or compact). What I hate the most is when all my apps what's to use sikns, dev's makes 5, users creates another 5 good looking and I find myself with a desktop where my every app looks different from each other, they use different colors, wigets and fonts, and I just can't find a skin that covers all this apps; good looking unified desktop is much better in my opinion, it is less distracting and confusing while still eye candy.


I agree with the parent post, but I also like the mockup. It's hard to say really. Generally, I don't like skins, but in the case of my mp3 player, I'd like something that takes up less desktop real estate (I switched to amarok from xmms). I can't really decide between audacious and amarok, because amarok has some extra stuff that's cool, while audacious is simple and just plays my files. If amarok could take on different appearances...


I agree, but this would be perfect for something like noatun or kaboodle or something similar. Or maybe if Amarok had a very enhanced skinning system it could be available as a skin, but as it is now it hides too much of the Amarok functionality which is why I choose Amarok in the first place.


so very very beautiful... (we want album art too.) You made me hate looking at my old Amarok now.

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