Plastik theme for YaKuake

Yakuake Skins

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Plastik-inspired skin for YaKuake
(Neat terminal app for KDE. Resembles Quake's console)

The skin uses Crystal theme icons to make it more fitting on the default KDE's screen.
Compared to YaKuake's original buttons, Plastik's are drastically altered to promote clarity and accessibility of use.


Easy Way:
The *.skz file provided bellow is SuperKaramba executable. Assuming you have SuperKaramba installed, just double-click the file you downloaded and follow the prompts.

Difficult Way:
*.skz Files are ZIP archives. If you don't have SuperKaramba installed, or want to do install by hand
a) Change the extension from skz to zip.
b) Extract the "Product" folder out of it.
c) go inside Product folder and run the enclosed script with either "--dark" or "--light" option.
Ex: "sh ./ --dark"
d) Don't forget to alter ~/.kde/share/config/yakuakerc by adding
to [Options] section.

This "skin" installs itself into USER'S directory. YaKuake's installs its skin(s) "system-wide." So, they never overwrite each other.
As long as you have "skin=plastik" remaining in YOUR USER's config file, upgrading YaKuake is "transparent" for the skin.
The new maintainer of YaKuake is working on the "skin selector." Some future YaKuake version will come WITH Plastik skin as part of the skins set.
Last changelog:

0.4.2 August 14, 2006
- No changes to the skin itself. Only changed the installation procedure. It is "Windows-like double-click the file and follow the prompts" kind of install. No need to run things in consle, or hand-edit config files.

0.4.1 March 17, 2006
- Made the "close" button ("dark" theme) background transparent instead of solid black. This should look better (like it should) on some light desktop wallpapers and will match the transparency of the active cosole tab. "light" theme is unaffected.
- made the outline of upper end of the "configuration" button wrench darker.
- made small adjustments to the positions of "configuration", "close yakuake", "close console" and "lock" to provide better, more equal spacing.

0.4 Feb 27, 2006
- Increased the size of "lock" button and changed its appearance to evoke instant understanding of what the button does and what state it is in.
- Split the skin into 2 versions "dark" (matching "transparent, dark background" konsole scheme) and "light" (matching "transparent, light background" konsole scheme) See screenshots for differences.

0.3 Jan 17 2006
- Rearranged "exit" "settings" "lock" and "close tab" buttons for better visual appearance and in preparation of making "lock" button more prominent.
- Reduced the size of "exit" button to reflect its usefulness and for better visual appearance

0.2.1 Jan 11 2006
- Bug in the install script corrected. (Files were put in a wrong folder > Yakuake crashed when it didn't find the skin)

0.2 - Initial public release

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Note: The two variants of the Plastik skin are now included with the newly-released Yakuake 2.8-beta1, to be found at: Thanks to suslik for giving permission to include his work.


"go inside Product folder and run the enclosed script with either "--dark" or "--light" option. Ex: "sh ./ --dark"" -- WHAT There IS NO!


er, -- either way, it's not there.


Hmm, you're right... I forgot to package the Didn't realize any would need it I guess.. it was a remnant from old "command line install" days. I will try to look the file up and put it in, but in the mean time... If you have SuperKaramba installed, all you need to install this skin is double-click the file. Are you having problems / errors doing it that way? email me.


It's working perfectly with yakuake 2.7.4. Thank you very much


Nice idea. I tried it but I went back to the default as it was not as discrete. I'd love to use it if it was.


Both, Tabs and Title bars are exactly the same height as the ones in the original skin. Out of curiocity, what exactly is "larger" in your opinion?


Here it is... I created it in my free time: It's Yakuake Plastik Gentoo Edition, gentoo users might want to try it: :)


Thank You!!! I'd like to see more nice gentoo artwork here. Unfortunately, Gentoo seems more of a coder OS than artist. (Or fortunately! :P) But this is really sweet I think. I perfectly fit my liking, and would like to see more gentoo branded stuff from you for all parts of kde, in your spare time :) Maybe I could help you with ideas of what to brand? Grub bootsplash FBSplash bootsplash KDM splash KDE splash nice discreet background (transparent) with a small gentoo logo, with the same gentoo font. Nothing too bid, maybe a grey or something bar on the left side to put icon in, and the rest transparent i dunno, to your taste.. maybe a really nice, sweet, shiny, gentoo logo for the kde start menu?, something really nice i dunno? If others can think of some other ideas, it could be an ideas to add them here. Gentoo doesn't get enough artwork on kde-look compared to other distro, and it's not like gentoo is in the shadow, a lot of people uses gentoo. Thanks again for this sweet yakuake theme, and i really hope to see more gentoo artkwork (either from you, or from other people) Side note: Take a look at artwork for zen, k/ubuntu, etc.. they look really awesome.. have a search for gentoo, and look what's available.. I dont want to diss the maker of most gentoo artwork here, but they are, in general, no match compared to other distros.


Very good! Can you make a lipstik skin too?


What, in your opinion, should I change in the skin to make it "Lipstik"?


it will krash your yakuake. However solution is here.. in .kde/share/apps/yakuake, rename the misspelled 'palastik' to 'plastik'. :D Adios


Sincere apologies for missing this bug. The theme was initially named "Palastik", so the problem is mostly due to my oversight. Thank you for catching it. I had both "plastik" and "palastik" folders, so I didn't catch it. I corrected the install script and uploaded the updated package - 0.2.1. Once again. Thx for reporting the bug.

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version 0.4.2
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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