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Ratings & Comments
>>(i had a nice long description, but this form lost it, because i forgot the license) isnt that a major pain in the ass?!?!?!?! I don't know how many times that has happened to me, nowadays, anything I post here, before I press "send" or "committ" or whatev, I copy the contents to the clipboard. Nice themes also, good to have a little more contrast for a change ;-)
Thanks! :) Usually, i compose longer texts in a text editor and save it on the desktop. That works nicely for postings, but the problem with forms is the various seperate text fields. i will try to get some work done on the desktop theme and some Aurorae decorations. It's really difficult for me editing all the grouped SVG elements seperately, since i have troubles concentrating. The problem isn't tedious work, but rather lack of routine.