Description: Want to use the menus from the 'dotNET' style also in Mozilla Firefox? Works together with any Mozilla theme, all it does is change the menus.
Installation: unpack the zip to: (home)/.mozilla/firefox/.../chrome/ (If you have an existing userChrome.css, remember to back it up first) Optional: If you want to use "ilabsfont", install it from your control panel.
If you want to change the selected items color, replace all #ffffdd with your own color. You can also specify your own font after "font-family:". If you want to use a font larger than 10pt, or just want more height on the selected item highlight, you might need to increase all "height:".
Don't like the grey vertical stripe? Remove the comments ( /* and */ ) from line 13, and place them to the left and right of line 14 instead.
If you don't like the fake dropshadows, just change lines 5 & 6 to "1px" instead of 3px, and remove "#aaaaaa #555555" from lines 9 & 10.
note: only for Firefox, does not work with old Mozilla suite.
Ratings & Comments
But, what xmms skin is that?? It's sweet. Like the Firefox menu too :)
it's called 'Ti H2O Equibrilium' and I found it at the winamp site:
Looks really cool. But where to get the font called "ilabsfont"? (it's in the css)
it's not really part of the theme, but as it seems hard to find I've included it too
Thank You!