Description: Concept design.. however I havent found a window manager that can do it. I have a IceWM version (not uploaded yet) but it just dosent do what I want. Its not really just a sniped corner, click download.
anyone have an idea on how to do that? ..or just steal my idea, more themes is always good.
I've been reading up on how to do kde native window decorations to make one that has this kind of look but with a BII concept (the top bar is reduced to the minimum possible width...)
I have been looking for that idea for long now ... it would be nice to just have the top-bar, a transpearent content area and a resizer in the bottom. It is seen in movies like Minority Report. Too bad it is not possible (the transpearent content) yet, the other parts shouldn't be that hard?
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ill look into it, there has been some recent intrest in this so maybe ill actualy get it out the door.
I don't want to annoy anybody here with my frequent pro-Enlightenment postings, but you can do this for Enlightenment and configure KDE to use it.
I've been reading up on how to do kde native window decorations to make one that has this kind of look but with a BII concept (the top bar is reduced to the minimum possible width...)
I have been looking for that idea for long now ... it would be nice to just have the top-bar, a transpearent content area and a resizer in the bottom. It is seen in movies like Minority Report. Too bad it is not possible (the transpearent content) yet, the other parts shouldn't be that hard?
what you want todo. if its just the snipped corners - any WM can do it.
more detail plz.