why not make themes from Movis, Hackers 1-2-3, 23,Mitnik, Matrix, Wargames,Startup,Johnny Mnemonic and other Computermovis.. , there be so nice ideas for Themes on KDE were be cameras zoom in the computers from the Movis.. make there Screenschots and take it to make new Themes..
It's a other way to make Themes...
But we are have the theme fom Mitnik.. woah, crewl, 23 from Karl's Computer.. a Amigatheme or from Hackers the screen from Zero Cool,Acid Burn,The Plague Dade and Frends...
Take a screenschot from the movi, from the computers and open it in a viewer and start gimp and start to make a new Theme...

the titel can like be :
nice idea, isnt it ?
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i've saw the movies..i hope someone helps you to biuld some themes..but mine was just a figured out..
Go to the Videotek/Movi lenders, question to Hackers 1-2-3, 23,Mitnik, Matrix, Wargames,Startup,Johnny Mnemonic and other Computermovis.. and watch it.. look on the screens from the compuderpeoples in the Movi.. make a screenshoot.. open it in the Gimp.. and think about what i mean.. Hackers is a movi...nincompoop. The people write always directly without to think. and mean they last those most intelligent I hate it slowly. it does not concern that the movi with hackers is accoisation, it is a matter of it which on the computer-screens of the Kiddys to be seen is topic...helldammed..
funny..but i don't like hackers associated to linux..why? Linux is an operating system for all,not for hackers..:)
you mean not for crackers. Hackers are people that love freedom and the freedom of the bits. Although I see your point, Linux is for everyone, from 0-99yo. ;) Above 100y you get nothing :( ;)