Windows 10 Splash
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Ratings & Comments
9 You should check if this works in Plasma6, i like this Splashscreen, it's a bit with an Cyber-charakter :) so, check if it's also works in Plasma6 and upgrade it if need *thumps up* but you should check the -> Edit Produkt->first page-> pulldown configuration, search for plasma6 configuration for let show in plasma6^ selector in plasma6^ WM
I ported it to Plamas 6, I hope it's helpful
done, done, done.. *bridegrin* as i have become the first mailing had short search for it :))
Here :-)
10 10 the best old time
Can you put a screenshot?
it is an animated splash screen that shows progress of system startup after login until the desktop is loaded. finished picture as above.