Description: A simple XFWM4 theme reproducing Mac OS 9.2 frames. As pixel perfect as I could make it since I was not satisfied by the alternatives. Looks more authentic with drop shadows disabled.
I recommend using the Classico GTK theme:
The font in the screenshots is Lato and the icon theme is Tango.
9I like it a lot. I changed the themerc file in a way I removed button layout. Then I realized that some buttons are missing (stick, shade and menu). If you please make them, the theme would be awesome :)
Ratings & Comments
10 Great stuff
9 I like it a lot. I changed the themerc file in a way I removed button layout. Then I realized that some buttons are missing (stick, shade and menu). If you please make them, the theme would be awesome :)
Looks awesome! Great work!