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Breeze-based Plasma Theme for more colourful desktops.
Colour of panel and widget listens to "ViewHover", not to colour of windows. This allows rich and saturated colours for Plasma while stick with bright main colour for window background. It already looks quite good for most colour themes. Screenshots are for Breeze, Steel, Honeycomb, RedFlat and an own green one.
For best look deactivate "Background contrast" in "Desktop Behaviour" > "Desktop Effects"
Colour can be adjusted in "View" > "Hover Decoration".
For white font on darker colours rename "colors_w" to "colors" in ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/colour-breeze/
!There seems to be an issue in Plasma. When colors file is present in a theme, colours for panel is not applied on the fly! Just switch to another Plasma Theme and back to Colour Breeze, to make changes visible.
hello you could make the colors of the panel be those of the edges of the application (title bar) and not of hover decoration, you could do that Plasmatheme, I would greatly appreciate it. (sorry for my bad english, google traductor)
Ratings & Comments
10 Bold use of colors
10 10 the best
9 +Very good theme
Very good theme I really liked this theme
9 +
Really easy to configure, good work!
How do you change the colour?
Hi Bloodybeast, you can change the colour by setting "Hover Decoration" in Color Set "View". You can see in last image of the gallery above.
9 really good theme
hello you could make the colors of the panel be those of the edges of the application (title bar) and not of hover decoration, you could do that Plasmatheme, I would greatly appreciate it. (sorry for my bad english, google traductor)
Hi, unfortunately this not supported by Plasma at moment. In fact it was the first idea wanted to do.
9 I can't thank you enough for this awesome theme.
Become a supporter! :)
Hi dummy, thank you very much for posting this URL! Actually I wasn't able to find it linked on the website...
Hi, I'm glad you like the theme. Would be great to see, which colours you're using at your desktop. Might you post a screenshot?
Thanks for your efforts. I've been looking for something like this. Is it possible for me to use icons other than Breeze though?