Description: # What is this? Debian Project and the GNU Manifesto with theme of OS X El Capitan.
# Thanks and License The picture is "Yosemite_Tunnel_View_Sunset_(juniorvelo).jpg" in Wikimedia Commons by Steve Ryan ("Velo Steve"), Groveland, CA, USA ( [CC BY-SA 2.0 (]. URL:
The font is "M+ 1p Light" and "M+ 1p Bold" in M+ FONTS by 森下浩司 [Unlimited permission is granted to use, copy, and distribute them, with or without modification, either commercially or noncommercially]. URL:
The logo is "Debian logos" on Debian Project by Debian Project [Copyright (c) 1999 Software in the Public Interest, Inc., and are released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version, or, at your option, of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License]. URL:
I made it with GIMP --- GNU Image Manipulation Program --- and resign __all__ of my rights.
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