Theme to XFWM4, GTK2 and GTK3. The layout of XFWM4 theme is fixed. Left-aligned: application icon and window title. Right-aligned: Maximize, minimize, and close buttons. Gtk2 and Gtk3 Theme colors of Windows 10. The icons are not made by me, they can be found in Compatible with Wisker-Menu.
**** this theme still does not work correctly on xubuntu 18.04Last changelog:
Hi, I enjoyed the theme. I've always looked for a theme like Windows 10, when I found this one. I would like to report some issues I am experiencing. First, the XFCE panel, its tabs that are inactive have a gray background, while it's black by default; second, still about the panel, the widgets located at the right has a white border which makes it look ugly; and third, Google Chrome doesn't have the Windows 10 theme, it's pretty much like the default Graybird. Could these be solved? Thank you so much.
Hello gabrielmf, thanks for the feedback. The first problem you reported will be fixed in the next update, for now it can be solved by checking the "show flat buttons" option in the "window buttons" widget properties. As for the other problems they happen in because the system needs version 3 of GTK, as the theme does not yet support this version it uses graybird by default. I'm still working on the GTK3 theme, and will update the theme soon. Thanks again.
Ratings & Comments
9 Nice. It would be good if you make pressed state of buttons. Rated +.
i love this theme but not work for me xubuntu 16.04 :'(
Hi, I enjoyed the theme. I've always looked for a theme like Windows 10, when I found this one. I would like to report some issues I am experiencing. First, the XFCE panel, its tabs that are inactive have a gray background, while it's black by default; second, still about the panel, the widgets located at the right has a white border which makes it look ugly; and third, Google Chrome doesn't have the Windows 10 theme, it's pretty much like the default Graybird. Could these be solved? Thank you so much.
Forgive the grammar errors.
Hello gabrielmf, thanks for the feedback. The first problem you reported will be fixed in the next update, for now it can be solved by checking the "show flat buttons" option in the "window buttons" widget properties. As for the other problems they happen in because the system needs version 3 of GTK, as the theme does not yet support this version it uses graybird by default. I'm still working on the GTK3 theme, and will update the theme soon. Thanks again.