Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):

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This plugin reads the tags of the currently played music, and writes into text files.
Ideal if you want to display the current music on your stream with your streaming software (OBS Studio...).

Basic files
The 6 basic files are automatically generated and contain the most basic metadata

np_title.txt = contains the title of the music.
np_artist.txt = contains the artist of the music.
np_album.txt = contains the album of the music.
np_artist_title.txt = contains the artist and the title of the music.
np_radio.txt = this text use a metadata that more relevant if you listen a web radio.
np_bandcamp.txt = Uses the Bandcamp metadata pattern.

Special files
The 3 special files are automatically generated and contain unique metadata or files useful for debugging.

np_metadata.txt = contains the list of metadata available for the current song.
np_metadata_full.txt = contains a list of all the metadata that can be used in Now Playing in Texts, including those empty.
np_artwork.jpg = copy the cover image of the music. If no image is found, a blank/transparent image will be created.

Custom files
Now Playing in Texts V2 integrates the possibility of creating its own metadata TXT files with your custom metadata pattern.
Read the HTML doc for more detail.

The TXTs files will be saved in the VLC user director which can be found in the following directory:
Linux: ~/.local/share/vlc/
Windows: %APPDATA%\vlc\
Mac OS X: /Users/%your_name%/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/

Installation Instructions

Place the "Now Playing in Texts.lua" file in the corresponding folder and restart VLC or reload plugin extensions. Then, go to the "View" section of the menu bar and click on "Now Playing in Texts v2". If a check mark appear to the side of the entry, this means that the plugin is active.

Current User: ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions/
All Users: /usr/lib/vlc/lua/extensions/

Current User: %APPDATA%\vlc\lua\extensions
All Users: %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions\

Mac OS X:
Current User: /Users/%your_name%/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/
All Users: /Applications/

"Now Playing in Texts" V2 is compatible with VLC 3 only.
If you absolutely must use VLC v2, only "Now Playing in Texts" v1.5 and below are compatible. Go to "Files" tab on this page, click on "3 files ( 24 archived )" and select the old version of your choice.
Last changelog:

2.5 - more unparity issue betewn OS

Fix another unparity of the Lua Libraries betwen Linux and Windows

Ratings & Comments



10 HI I really like this plugin I've been using it for a while and works great. I really wonder if we'll ever have the option to show: - elapsed time , remaining time , total time and combinations - items in the playlist. (current, next ones, previous) only tiles/filenames duration


Hey, I'm currently using Win11 and latest VLC but I'm not getting any files generated after applying the plugin within View. Maybe there's something I'm missing?


Scratch that. I found the file. Sorry for the ping!


10 This is the best plugin I've been looking for all along ! One thing, though, if there are characters other than the standard alphabet, such as "ú" or Greek characters, the image will not be reflected in "np_artwork.jpg." Is it possible to reflect this ? Let me apologize for my poor English :'(


Glad you like it :) and thank you for the bug report, I'm going to check it out... ... oh sh**! It's fucked up, it's dead. All internet says to not use non-standard characters in the filenames for Lua scripts. This is not a bug of my script, but of VLC. I'll report to them, but I have little hope that it will be fixed. Sorry about that.


Oh, I see, thank you for the detailed explanation ! Thank you for making a really, really good plugin :)


would it be possible to add the option in a custom file for new entries to be appended as new lines in a file rather than overwriting the entirety of the old file. in other words a running log would be kept of all tracks played. thanks very much


To keep track of your songs, I'd rather recommend you 'VLC Song Tracker', which provides a much better format for this I would not add such an option in "Now playing"


thank you


10 This is a really good plugin, works wonders ^^ One thing tho: Is it somehow possible to display the file name without the file extension like .mp3 or .m4a?


Thanks, and No but now Yes => added "filename1", file name without extension.


Thank you, my guy, that is very friendly of you!


Thanks, and Done. Added "filename1" for this.


It might be a stupid question, but how can I make this run at startup? Every time I launch VLC I have to select the addon in "view" section which makes me a little bit irritated when it comes to streaming. I am using Linux.


There is no way in VLC to activate an extension at this startup.


Hello, is it possible that this extension is not compatible with Windows 11? The LUA file is in the correct directory and VLC shows it as active, but no text files are created.


Forget it, I'm just stupid and this extension just works alientastically! ;)


10 - the best


I have installed Now Playing in Texts, VLC recognizes it in add-ons, but does not create the txt files with the song data. What's the matter?


The Lua add-ons should be enabled for create the TXT files "View > Now Playing in Texts v2". A check mark appears if they are active.


Thank you for your reply. Now Playing in text does not appear in the view menu. I have another lua script, for youtube and if it appears and works.


Oh, it's going to be hard for me to help you. The only thing I can tell you is to make sure you are using the latest version of VLC and "Now Playing". If you are using VLC v2, there is an incompatibility with v2 of "Now Playing". ... I have a doubt. Are you unzip the lua extension? I may not have been clear in the description.


My VLC is, I use Now Playing in Text v2. I have also tested on two different PCs with the same result. In both I have Linux Mint 20.1- Thank you, I will continue to investigate.


Oh my god. If your a on Linux, you are not the only one with this problem. Others reported it to me GitHub and I made a fix. Check if the new version is good for you too.


10 the best

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version 2.5
downloads 24h 2
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