Description: download link from mega... you need to have mega sync account to transfer - is free.
This is standard elementary freya i386 iso that contains all this applications: (2.4GB iso size) - Games Assault Cube Red Eclipse Mahjongg Chess Trackballs
- Office Libre Office Suite
- Science Stellarium
- Graphics Gimp Pinta
- Internet Firefox Thunderbird Qbittorrent
- Sound and Video Vlc Deadbeef Openshot Brasero Disc Burner Audacity Mixxx
- System Tools Bleachbit Gparted Unetbootin Gdebi Synaptic System Monitor
Totally is 23 apps added to the standard elementary livecd image.
And Restricted extras is also included (for offline computers - without internet connection)
YOU MAY HAVE TO DOWNLOAD ADDICIONAL FILES like elementary tweaks to personalize os like windows layout or custom gtk and icons themes.
This iso image was tested with unetbootin and is total functional - the system integrity prevails without any changes.
The picture above is not included.
PLEASE NOTE THIS : TO INSTALL enter on guest session (no password needed - is empty field) and launch the installer (no password needed - is empty field)
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