Command Output [Plasma 5]
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:Plasma 6: https://www.pling.com/p/2136636/
v12 added experimental Support for Ansi Escape Colors (\033[31mRed), 8-bit colors (\033[38;2;255m), and RGB colors (\033[38;5;255;255;255m). More at https://stackoverflow.com/a/33206814/947742
The following commands have been tested:
* git -C ~/Code/plasma-applets/commandoutput/ log --oneline --color --decorate
* SYSTEMD_COLORS=1 journalctl -q -b0 -n10
Other Features:
* Final newline is striped (you can replace all newlines with spaces in the config).
* You can also specify commands to run on click or scrolling up/down.
* You can change font size and color, and can hide the desktop widget background.
* You can set a fixed width/height it should occupy in the panel.
You might be interested in a more advanced widget called Kargos (https://store.kde.org/p/1173112/) which has a specific syntax for rendering the command's output as buttons/text in a popup.
v12 - April 29 2022
* Implement parsing terminal colors (ansi escape sequences) (Issue #7)
* Implement vertical alignment of text.
* Restart the timer when interval is changed (Issue #27)
* Enable waitForCompletion and make it off by default and fix toggle bug (Issue #27)
* Add GPL-2.0+ License File by @matthiasbeyer (Pull Request #33)
* Replace all newlines instead of first matched newline (Issue #3)
Ratings & Comments
10 Perfect widget, thanks!
8 Please add support for at least 2 lines. If it's already supported then someone please tell me how can I do so. It would be a perfect 10 for me if multi-line support is present/added.
Uncheck "Replace newlines with spaces" in the config.
Excellent widget. Now we need it updated for Plasma 6!
Someone did! But I have not tried it yet: https://github.com/aricaldeira/plasma-applet-commandoutput
I tried it and it works. תודה ארי
I'm not entirely sure if I'm suppose to change the store.kde.org categories to Plasma 6, or if I create a new entry. For now I've made a new entry at https://www.pling.com/p/2136636/
10 Does one thing and does it well. Simple, controllable, lets you do whatever you please without getting in the way.
10 A good substitute for a SuperKaramba widget that I done way back.
10 Wonderful. I like that this is a simple way of putting info on the desktop while still being colorful and fancy when you want it to be.
9 Really useful addition to the plasma panel, THANK YOU!
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 The command dateutils.ddiff -f %y,%m,%d 2022-02-01 date run successfully for some time then suddenly started giving blank on my kde plasma.
It has started working again. It works great.
10 Thanks for the wonderful job! /// Guys, I would be grateful for regex for ping output(I need only the time value grep -E "time" still shows me the whole string...^ wildcard doesn't work out
Remove Rating
10 wonderful!
10 10 the best
10 Does what exactly I wanted. Thank you <3
10 Wonderful! Solves a lot of needs!
10 10 the best
10 I created a bash script for monitoring temperature, with Emoji, setting limits, etc. Maybe someone will be useful. I think that it would be nice to create some kind of resource (channel in discord, telegram, guithab, etc.) so that the community can share similar scripts. https://github.com/KVAnton-WEB/ThermalSpitter https://i.imgur.com/unfJw2G.png
10 Does what it says, thank you for this!