macOS Big Sur Sounds
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10 10 the best
Hi, I am a newcomer and an embedded software engineer. Now I am planning to implement these fantastic sound files to embedded board. Then, I have one question. If I use these files for business,does it break license? Could you tell me the advice for this? Best regards, H.Wada
Hello . Lay out your skin
Sawd-san, Thank you for your response. Now we will use ZORIN OS's sound files in another OS(Windows embedded standard 7 and TI-RTOS) for our production. About the license, we need to care about GPL. Am I correct? Best Regards, H.Wada
My friend I'm from Russia. I use Google perevodchikom.Iz-for this may be nekorrentnym translation.
Hi, Sawd-san, Спасибо за ваш ответ. Сейчас мы используем ZORIN OS звук файлы в другом OS (Окна погрузили стандарт 7 и TI-RTOS) для нашего производства. О лицензии, мы заметим GPL. Для лицензии, мы имеем проблему? Наилучшие Пожелания, H.Wada