Transfer to Media Device (formerly iPod)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This script now also supports generic copy to operation for USB mass storage devices. Currently the script will prompt for a destination directory on first copy, in the future this setting will be saved in a configuration file.
This script works with amaroK 1.3beta3 and above.
Add support for Creative Nomad Jukebox devices using the kionjb kioslave. Thanks to Ralf T for the patch.
Code cleanup, and provide dependency checks.
Checking if files will fit on the destination is now optional. This requires a reconfigure. (The script will reconfigure on first copy if it is not done before.)
Do a check to see if the files will fit on the USB device. If all the files won't fit a nice dialog warns you with the option to attempt to transfer anyway.
Transfer all files in one go instead of one at a time, this gives a nice progress dialog to look at when you copy a lot of files.
Show disk use in the status bar of the destination directory after a completed transfer.
Ratings & Comments
Does this script have a sync option to keep HD-based players up-to-date? This is almost essential for me, as I have a 20gb player which I find almost impossible to keep up-to-date manually with all the new music I get :P I imagine this could be done with rsync, but I'd like to know in advance if it's possible at the moment with a script. Thanks.
Hi, I have Amarok 1.3 beta2 installed but it does not recognize or transfer files to my ipod nano. I'm wondering, if I have Amarok 1.3 beta2 installed, do I have to install this script to make it work? I have kipodslave installed as well, but I still haven't managed to get it to transfer to my ipod nano. Is there a trick to getting it all to integrate and work? If so, can you please provide step-by-step instructions a newbie can follow? Note: I'm using Xandros 3.02 OCE with kernel 2.6.11 & KDE 3.3.2.
I tried to set my usb mount point to media:/sda1/music and it didnt seem to work. The script seems to try to transfer to /sda1/music. Is there a fix/workaround? Otherwise consider this a bug report.
Hi, great script so far. It would be great if it would number the files according to the playlist i.e. 01_song.mp3 02_song.mp3 etc. since most usb-players use the filename to determine the play-order. :) Hope that wasn't too unclear. regards, skypa
is there a solution for the rio karma?
I've recently started using amaroK for the first time and, I have to say, it is, by far, the best music player I've ever used. The context browser makes listening to my music so much more enjoyable. Super major kudos to everyone who works on this project. And a great big "Thank You" from me. The only thing I would love to see is the ability to transfer music onto my Sony Mini-Disc player. I know this is largely up to Sony, and I know that it will be a long time coming before they allow people like me to use my hardware the way I'd like to. Still, one can dream, can't they?
I'm a Philips GoGear HDD065 owner and I want to move music from/to this mp3 player to/from amarok. How can I do it? I only know that there is a sqlite db managing plylist and so on, but I can't understand how. Thanks, Matteo
While I can't support the GoGear directly, I did find this project http://opengogear.sarovar.org/ that supports the indexing of mp3's on your device. From the README it shows usage for there software. Find these lines in my script transfer_type else read_config transfer_type and change to transfer_type gogear $destination/*.mp3 else read_config transfer_type gogear $destination/*.mp3 Find there README here http://opengogear.sarovar.org/README I can not say how well this software works as I don't have the hardware to test it on, good luck.
Hi, this didn't work for me :( The files were copied alright, but weren't added to the database. The OpenGogear Suite provides a script to do that, and I've been using this so far, but unfortunately this works only one by one, and that makes transferring a large number of mp3s almost impossible. Do you think there's a way of integrating the appropirate command into your script? It's gogear_add database target where the database is called MyDB and target means the mp3 to add. The database is found in _system/media/audio on the GoGear, and that's also the directory where the mp3s have to be stored. So the full command would be e.g. gogear_add /media/usbdisk/_system/media/audio/MyDB /media/usbdisk/_system/media/audio/my_song.mp3 I'm not a programmer, so there's no way I could do this myself, but I thought it would be cool if there's a way to make Amarok support the GoGear series. It was a bit of a dissapointment to find out that you can't just copy your mp3s over, and that the software that comes with the player is for Windows only (what else?) Tanja
This is exactly what I am looking for! It makes it so much easier to transfer your music to a Ipod or USB device (insted of having to go through hundreds of directories). Can't wait for the next Amarok release to try it out!
Why not just install current svn, you can find instructions here http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/index.php/Installation_HowTo#Building_SVN_amaroK Or you can grab beta2 if you want just USB support.
is there a way to show the size of all selected files? i'd like to know how much of my 512 mb stick is filled, and how much space is needed...
This is a good idea, I will find a way to accomplish this one.
Is there a way to create localizations for scripts or I have to send you a localized version?
I have to think of a way to do this, I don't think there is a cut and dry way to i18n a bash script, if so, please point me in the direction. :)
I found this: http://advbash.activeventure.net/localization.html I hope this can be helpfully.
Works it really with any USB Device too? if yes than is a great jump into better funtionallity. regards, juan-lutz
Yes, it will copy to anywhere you choose. On first time use it asks for a destination directory to copy the files to. At any time after that you can simply click Configure in the Script Manager in amaroK to choose a new destination.
amaroK has already an iPod support. There is the iPod-Browser to drag 'n drop files! In that way I think your plugin brings ntohing new!
i THINK the guy who made THIS script wanted to upload a file TO the iPod. not get a file FROM the iPod.
Well, let's see what new things this script brings. 1) I had to add new DCOP functions to amaroK for adding files in the transfer queue, and for the actual transfer. 2) It's obvious you have never tried to transfer any files from the playlist while leaving the Context Browser open. So in all I bring you more robust DCOP functionality to amaroK, and to top it off the script makes amaroK more useable. With this script you no longer need to select files, open the Media Device browser, drag the files into the queue, then finally cicking transfer. This also doesn't take into account the need to click the tab for the browser you were originally at to return to where you were. Now you need only select files, and click "Transfer to" -> "iPod". So please look again before making claims as this script is also easily extended to support uploading to regular USB mass storage devices.
I'd like to see it updated to work with regular USB devices :) That would come in really really handy!
I'll take a look into merging the two scripts I have after I get home from work :). I have a working version for reqular USB devices, so it should be pretty easy to merge the two.
by svn, he means today's svn, 24th July
Maybe I should have put current svn like now, thanks seb :)