My desktop setup
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Could you please explain how you get such big avatars for your contacts in the kopete contact list?? Thanks! Great Desktop! BTW, with kubuntu feisty fawn, I can't set the left bar as yours... Very strange...
Hi, Regarding the Kopete avatars, this is my setup: - Kopete 0.12.3 In "Configure" > "Appearance" > "Contact list", set "List Style" to "Detailed view", and check "Use contact photos when available". Strange that you can't use the Panel as I have. I'm on Kubuntu Edgy, and all I do is add a panel, configure it so that it is placed to the right of the screen.
... and by the way, I just remembered something. In an older version of Kopete, you could choose to have large avatars, but after an upgrade that option was omitted, but the feature is still there (i guess my settings survived the upgrade). At least that's how I think it was :)
how can you choose the size of your second panel? when I click on the settings, I can only change the original panel, I can just move the second... strange. thx for kopete... I'll try an older one.
I can do exactly the same things with the panel as with the main panel. I wonder if your problem is due to using a different version of Kubuntu or of KDE? However - I have yet not managed to add a third panel to the desktop. Well, I can add one, but there is just no way of editing its configuration. Rather peculiar.
I'm using kubuntu feisty. I just reboot and I can configure the 2nd panel... strange!
i find this problem too, but if you go through kcontrol rather than right clicking and configuring panel, you can get to all of them easier
how did you get the sidebar set up for both the bottom and the left-hand side of the screen? is that really part of the panel application or is that another utility?
The sidebar is a Universal Sidebar, which you can get by right clicking on a panel and choosing "Add new panel>Universal sidebar".
It looks as though each of your virtual desktops uses a different wallpaper. Is this just a thumbnail thing, or is it actually possible to have several different wallpapers active in KDE?
I am using different wallpapers for different desktops - yes. In "Configure KDesktop", you can configure the settings for each virtual desktop individually.