If your still receiving the older screenshot of 'Zetro', try hitting the download button, i think kde-look havent updated it yet or something.Last changelog:
Updated iconset on Zetro, and added my Destro snapshot.
Thats one good looking screenshot!
I have been workin my ass of too find that dirty pair flash wallpaper but i can't find it, would you mind posting it?
Cause if you do then my life will be complete :P
See ya!
yeh well, i have to work with what i got, apparently gorila iconset only comes with a few icons, so there's a limit on what i can do, and i tried turning the icons into a nice orange colour in gimp, but no luck, if you have any other suggestions, let me know.
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could you post me the wallpaper? dust@ahlloobermotz.de
Can u send me wallpaper? My email: takashi@wp.pl
Hi, my email is c2m2s"at"hotmail.com. You know where put the @, no? Thank you!!!
Weird! Try spooky;1116@hotmail.com (Remove the semicolon between "spooky" and 1116." Thats just there to deter email-finding spambots)
hey kedisar, it seems ur not accepting my email.
i'll email it to ya, i'm not the author to be posting it, and just giving him credit.
Hey again, my mail address is kung_ron@hotmail.com , thanks alot dude!
If it isn't too much trouble, could you mail it to me as well? My email is ixodes13@hotmail.com. Thanks!
Hey! Thats one good looking screenshot! I have been workin my ass of too find that dirty pair flash wallpaper but i can't find it, would you mind posting it? Cause if you do then my life will be complete :P See ya!
Where'd you find that wallpaper? Would you mind posting it?
yeh well, i have to work with what i got, apparently gorila iconset only comes with a few icons, so there's a limit on what i can do, and i tried turning the icons into a nice orange colour in gimp, but no luck, if you have any other suggestions, let me know.
should be the dominant colours here (well, that's what I think)... It's a pity there's no good icon theme to match these colours...