Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
can record running workouts and later can get statistics about mileage, average
speed, shoes.
Made with Nokia Qt library, Qt Creator IDE, MinGW/GNU compiler, SQLite database
engine and a few other tools. The program build and run on Windows, Linux and
Mac OS X. Data are saved on a SQLite file using Qt internal sql plugin. The
program is usable, but not tested in daily usage.
Notable features are:
The program is multi-platform: it runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
The program is multi-language: the interface is translated in English and
The database is auto-upgraded by the program between versions.
Code rewrite to get rid of enterprise patterns.
Custom CalendarWidget widget.
Custom Event edit widget.
Settings are stored not in database anymore but in a platform-depending location.
New big icons and configurable toolbar layout.
Configuration options: Units of measurement, Calendar.
Fixed bugs on add/remove events with intervals.
Unit tests on internal classes.
Database creation on startup if not found.
Database upgrade on startup if version is changed.
Ratings & Comments
I can send you .gpx files. but It is also no problem, to put the x,y,z coordinats into a table. Nice app. Thanks
Yes thanks, send me some gpx example files if you can. But I'm sorry I don't know when I'll find the time to implement the new feature. :(
I upload two bike tours. http://ul.to/osqkwk there are the .gpx files and a tour analysis made with prune http://activityworkshop.net/software/prune/ I hope I can help. Thanks
hello nice app. Is it possible to use gps files like .gpx as input?
Thanks. Sorry but at the moment there isn't such feature, it is planned for future releases. I don't have a gps device, so I was working on an import plugin for generic comma-separated text files (excel or other spreadsheets).
while building the deb: RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_en_US.qm' RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_it_IT.qm' RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_en_US.qm' RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_it_IT.qm' startet with qmake. This Error came up. Any hints? Greetings
The translation resources have to be compiled with the qtlinguist tools. Run from the qt prompt the following commands: I don't know if there is a way to build the translation resources with the qmake (to avoid this problem). I will ask in forums.
The Progr. seem to be very much Interresant, What is that with the source code Maches me please the joy. thank you.
Thank you. The source is browsable from the svn repository. I've added for convenience a zip download with the latest release.
Do you need any help by developing ?
Absolutely yes! This was my little project to learn Qt and C++. Was also a test to apply some of the enterprise patterns to a C++ project (Services, Domain Model, Identity Map, Memento, ecc). But now I was in progress (half of work done) to rewrite much of the code and zap the patterns, because on a such small program they aren't really needed. What do you think about that?
Please let me join the project at google code . My google account is konstantin.wirz(at)gmail(dot)com Now i have not much time to analyze the source code :-) At first i want to test the functionality and stability of the application and i am working on german and russian translations.
Done. You're now a member of the project. (PS: I've sent you a PM)
can i get the source code ?
Of course you can. The whole source is wrote under the GPL3 license. You can browse the svn tree here: http://code.google.com/p/running/source/browse/#svn/trunk/running. I update that from time to time with the latest changes.
thank you :-)