Autorun on CD/DVD for Windows
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
your program easy and usefull for me. somethis bad: - app.rc file is absent in tarball - type of build is debug - "open file" dialog instead of "select disk". get "select disk" combo box from smplayer, for example... anyway, good work
> - app.rc file is absent in tarball > - type of build is debug fixed, changes uplodaded to cvs, and should be available for anonymous cvs download soon (in one or two hours, I suppose). Instructions on using CVS are available on program's homepage. > - "open file" dialog instead of "select disk". get "select disk" combo box from smplayer, for example... Hmm.. I'm not quite sure what are you talking about. As I remember, there shouldn't be any "open file" dialogs at all, since all images are stored in predefined directory. Maybe you are talking about "cd device node" in settings dialog? If you wish, you can send me email with a detailed description of problem (small screenshot, maybe)/feature request. I'll try to fix the issue in spare time, if it is something serious, or if improvement will be nice/useful. E-mail address is available in application's "about" window. > anyway, good work Thanks.