Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Version 0.4.0 released
new features
- Qt5 support added
- QAdvancedTableView: API for custom sort and fiter proxy model implemented
- QAdvancedTableView: properties filterDisabledIcon and filterEnabledIcon added
- QTableModelWriter: custom role selection added (default role is Qt:isplayRole)
- QMimeData utilities: argument role changed from Qt::ItemDataRole to int
- QAbstractFilterModel: support for roles other than Qt:DisplayRole in method headerData enabled
- QAbstractFilterProxyModel: signals resultAboutToChange() and resultChanged() implemented
bug fixes
- #3 wrong cell context is copied if a proxy model is used
- #2 debug error is model is empty
- #1 qMimeDataAddHtml inserts html fragments as text instead of html
- Missing files added
- code cleanup
- Qt project files updated
Ratings & Comments
it looks very promising. On the other side it's very hard to get latest source code. Can you potentially load code to some versioning system, please?
Hi subik, thanks for your feedback. The code is managed by mercurial already. Please checkout the repository http://hg.berlios.de/repos/qaiv
yes, that's perfect. Can you link to the Mercurial site/repo from the project website, please? Also it's good news to me that berlios is back again ;)
The bad news is, that berlios is closing the portal by end of April and I have to move the repository. I haven't decided yet which one to use instead. However I will add the link to the homepage.
ah, in this case I'd suggest something "more standardised" like github, bitbucket... BTW here I have an initial port to Qt5 (one month valid link): http://pastebin.com/vEu5YQ2H Please look at least to line #340: - if (v =! 1){ + if (v != 1){ where I'm almost sure it's a real bug. Also I found that I'm (Mac OS X) able to build the library but rest of targets. It seems like all is too much win32 oriented as it fails in linking phase. Unfortunately the quake is so smart for me :/ But, definitely, I want to work on Qt5 port more because Qt5 is much better on OS X platform and I have real use for these components. Please contact me directly at petr@yarpen.cz if you are interested.
Very Good Project. Could you please add the setSpan feature to QGroupingProxyModel's view, so that the group name will be displayed fully without being cut by the one column width? Thanks.
The QGroupingProxyModel's view is an ordinary QTreeView and you can use the view's method setFirstColumnSpanned as well. QAbstractItemModel's method span() is currently not used by any of the model views. However, I will add this feature to version 0.3.
I have confirmed that the feature has been implemented. It works like a charm. Thank you very much for your quick and creative response.