Description: QtBasic: a simple basic interpreter with Qt influences. It’s quite difficult (and not very smart) to impose its own priorities onto a client. By this I mean that the devices I build require the writing of a script in order to realize small automations according to necessity. Javascript is my favourite scripting language, but my clients are quite the opposite opinion. On the contrary, when I propose BASIC to my customers, they start smiling and look very pleased! In my opinion this is a matter of culture: BASIC language is considered a simple language, but is it really that simple? Well, if that’s what they want ... The thing I’m talking about is really quite easy, MTParser ( is widely used in order to solve algebraic expressions. QtBasic it’s quite slow, absolutely incomplete and poorly documented! But if someone would find himself under the same ‘disgraceful’ conditions as I do, he could freely use it and create a basis. In order to evaluate it, I would advise you to download the RAR binary, unzip it and launch CEDT.EXE, a small editor through which you can open the available examples. After pressing CTRL+1, they are executed. That’s all! I’ve developed it under Win7 with VS2008 and the Qt 4.7.4., and really wouldn’t know if it works on another platform.
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