QtitanDataGrid advanced Grid for Qt
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- Support Mac OS X
- New feature - Fast scroll effect
- Support Qt 4.7.0, 4.7.1 versions.
- Support Microsoft Office style grouping. Demo application was added.
- Refactoring relation modes (relation and master-details). Demo application was added.
- Table cell editor supports relation and master-details mode.
- Improved grid API.
- Added ability to add default value to the grid cell while new row is constructed.
- Added ability to save/load column's and band's layout to/from XML.
- Added new icons for the editors of picture and multi-line text.
- Added ability to specify the text to the editor of a new row.
- Added ability to specify the text and brush to the group's panel.
- New feature implemented, the cell focus follows the mouse.
- QAction's exported from QWidget embeded into the grid column or into the grid cell was supported.
- Documentation for features summary calculation, relation mode, load/save layout to XML, table view options, banded view options was added.
- Fixed bug. Improved the reaction of the grid to scrolling. Increased the table rendering speed during scrolling.
- Fixed bug. The autoheight and autowidth modes conflict.
- Fixed bug. Lines between cells are not always rendered.
- Fixed bug. Popup editor windows cannot be resized in Linux.
- Fixed bug. The band width is reset when a column is dragged from one band to another.
- Fixed bug. The focus is removed after sorting/grouping.
- Fixed bug. When a new line is added, the added image is not shown.
- Fixed bug. When grouping by column is active, adding a new line does not work correctly.
- Fixed bug. When groups of lines are folded or unfolded, scrollbars are not positioned correctly.
- Fixed bug. The text in the column header does not fit within the boundaries in Linux.
- Fixed bug. Compilation and support for the 64-bit mode.
Ratings & Comments
Hi, this is a proprietary application. Please move it to Qt-Prop.org. Thank you. Cheers Frank
Please keep qt-apps.org clean by publishing proprietary apps on http://qt-prop.org. There is no source code for this app, so it is proprietary. Releasing it as freeware doesn't make it free in the GNU sense (see http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html). So this project should be moved to qt-prop.org.
so nice product, friend; good luck ;)
Nice product, but you need to move to Qt-Props.org! not here.