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QStarDict is a modern international dictionary written using Qt4.

Main features:
Full support of StarDict dictionariesFuzzy searchSupport for hyper links in translationsWorking from the system trayScanning mouse selection and showing pop-up windows with translation of selected wordsTranslations reformattingPronouncing of the translated wordsPlugins supportKDE 4 plasmoid

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hi, I have Chakra Linux and last 1.01 qstardict. I can't see directory. I add to /user/... and ~.stardict/dic/folder-name. When I run konsle QSqlQuery::exec: database not open Sorry for my bad English I learn.


With version 1.0 (compiled on Kubuntu 11.04 64bit) I have problem with settings of PopUpWindow size. Despite custom settings after restarting of QStarDict there is size always set to 96x96 - in config file defaultSize=@Size(-1 -1). Previous version 0.12.9 is OK (0.13 a 0.13.1 impossible to build for me).


I have the same problem. I tried edit the file ~/.config/qstardict/qstardict.conf, write defaultSize=@Size(350 150), save and made chmod 444, but when launch qstardict reset defaultsize to 96x96 again.


How do I compile the KDE plasmoid? Could someone offer a step-by-step guide?


Well, that was actually easy, though not according to included instructions. I have created a deb package using checkinstall (again, it will not warn you of dependencies, and will probably only work with kde 4.6 on Kubuntu 10.10): http://tinyurl.com/6676dcx The procedure for compiliation is the following (do not follow the one in COMPILING file, it is incomplete): # check out the current sources (method below) or maybe just download the tarball... svn checkout https://qstardict.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/qstardict/trunk kdeplasma cd kdeplasma mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` .. make sudo make install


I have converted the 0.13.1 rpm to a deb using alien... ftp://files.akl.lt/users/dgvirtual/ubuntu-maverick/qstardict_0.13.1-2_i386.deb It seems to be working on my Ubuntu 10.10 workstation. But it will probably fail to warn you if you are missing any dependencies, so be sure to install the current ubuntu package from repositories before installing this one on top.


after updating to kde 4.5, nothing happens on startup, and I end up Ctrl+C-ing: $ qstardict qstardict(1272)/ KSharedDataCache::Private::mapSharedMemory: Opening cache "/var/tmp/kdecache-kiwibird/icon-cache.kcache" page size is 4096 qstardict(1272)/ KSharedDataCache::Private::mapSharedMemory: Attached to cache, determining if it must be initialized qstardict(1272)/ KSharedDataCache::Private::mapSharedMemory: Cache fully initialized -- attached to memory mapping qstardict(1272)/ KSharedDataCache::Private::mapSharedMemory: 9158656 bytes available out of 10485760 ^C (running on up to date Arch Linux)


Your program is very nice, but since gcc 4.4 it doesn't compile. The error is in the dictziplib.cpp and there is the patch (http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/who-can-compile-qstardict-slackbuild-for-me-please-help-793596/#post3888245: Quote:

1 Source: Hong Hao <oahong@gmail.com> 2 Upstream: mail send 3 Reason: gcc 4.4 4 --- qstardict-0.13.1/plugins/stardict/dictziplib.cpp.orig 2009-05-17 17:48:37.605944568 +0800 5 +++ qstardict-0.13.1/plugins/stardict/dictziplib.cpp 2009-05-17 18:35:06.757994635 +0800 6 @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ 7 8 #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX 9 if (stat(fname.c_str(), &sb) || !S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) 10 -#elif def Q_OS_WIN32 11 +#elif defined Q_OS_WIN32 12 if (_stat(fname.c_str(), &sb) || !(sb.stMode & _S_IFREG)) 13 #endif 14 {


Thanks for the program. It's really well designed. One thing that would be nice is if the system tray support was optional. I'd rather not have anything in the system tray.


Selecting any word anywhere, is causing much annoyance, like say we are entering a username in the web browser, and we double-click to edit it, the popup comes and *hampers* our work. Just like that copying text from a web browser is being hinders by qstardict "selection" scan. The solution (like wordweb pro), is to have ctrl+right-click to bring the popup, without even having a selection. or you can give windows_key+right_click to open the qstardict with the definition. Alternately, Please do not popup the window just next to the selection but as a tooltip at the system tray (much like mdic or kopete) so that the work-flow is not disturbed. We can have all options (current ones and my requested ones in settings) 1. ctrl/meta/shift/windowskey+click = no selection+open qstardict ( that is the user does not have to select the text but just need to right-click on the "word") 2. like MDic, please allow, application window, or popup or tooltip for definitions. thanks :)


It is very sad, but on X11 we can't get word without selection - all windows are pixmaps for QStarDict. You can use keyboard modifiers if you don't want popup window after every selection of text.


I love it.. really useful program :)


How to enable a D-Bus support? I have everything installed but qmake says it's disabled.


Try to remove string Quote:

unix:isEmpty(NO_DBUS):!contains(QT_CONFIG, qdbus): NO_DBUS = 1
from qstardict.pri.


A big thank you for your great work. One question: is it possible to use babylon dicts?


No :(


Hi Alex, first big thank You for great program. I prepare PKGBUILD for Archlinux :http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=12495


hello to all i can't download rpm version for fedora i think the link is damaged please give me a correct link for downloading fedora 8 (rpm) i couldn't install by source thanks a lot for your help


I haven't Fedora RPM. But you can download .spec file and build RPM it yourself. Fedora spec: http://qstardict.ylsoftware.com/files/qstardict-0.08.spec.


Good app :)


Nice app, I like it. It even starts up faster for me than stardict. Two things missing, though: please make the pop-up window not focus stealing. Whenever I mark some word in a program to replace it with a new word the focus is stolen by the qstardict popup, and the word I was about to enter does not reach the previous active window. Additionally, please make it possible to "click" the pop up away by just clicking on it :)


Is it possible to make a program pronounce a word? I tried to install WyabdcRealPeopleTTS package and checked the checkbox but it didn't work. Do I have to set anything else? I saw it working in Stardict so I would like to make it work. It is a very nice function.


hi, i've been using QStarDict for some time now and it's really great i like it much. but its fonts look ugly - where can i change them? thanks for answer


Try to run qtconfig from Qt4 package and set fonts.


Hi! I'm trying to use QStardict but it is to slow when working with a lot of dictionaries - GTK stardict works quite fast with the same dictionaries quantity. It would be great if you could do something to increase performance.

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