Description: This program can help you, when you are a beginner in Qt and in using of regular expressions. You can plan with this program your regular expressions for your applications. Run the program, and use it easy. It contains only two fields for editing. The top field is a LineEdit. Here you can edit the regular expression, what you need. The bottom field a TextEdit object. This is a checker (tester) field. Here you can check your edited regular expression. The apperared text will be coloured. The meaning of character colours: green - valid chars; blue - intermediate state between valid and bad states, red - not acceptable chars.
Hi Uriy!
Thanks for your work!
I have learnt the Russian language in elementary and high scool during about 10 years, but I never used it. So I forget it totally. Except some elementary words, e.g. hleba, towarish, konec filma, krasnaja ploshadj and so...
So, thanks one more time!
Ratings & Comments
Good stuff for novices:) Thanks!
Hi, it is good program for me, I make rep_ru.ts file for your program. Get it:
Hi Uriy! Thanks for your work! I have learnt the Russian language in elementary and high scool during about 10 years, but I never used it. So I forget it totally. Except some elementary words, e.g. hleba, towarish, konec filma, krasnaja ploshadj and so... So, thanks one more time! József.
We've added a description of your program to our site (which also translate Qt documentation into Russian)
Hi Uriy! Thanks! You are a very kind man.