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LibQxt, an extension library for Qt, provides a suite of cross-platform utility classes to add functionality not readily available in the Qt toolkit by Trolltech, a Nokia company.

QxtBerkeley Berkeley DB classes.
QxtCore The QxtCore module extends QtCore and contains core non-GUI functionality.
QxtCrypto The QxtCrypto module provides tools for encryption and hashing.
QxtGui The QxtGui module extends QtGui.
QxtNetwork The QxtNetwork module extends QtNetwork with RPC functionality.
QxtSql The QxtSql module extends QtSql with serializable queries.
QxtWeb The QxtWeb module provides Qt like Web Developement tools.

QxtBdbHash template class that provides key/value access to a berkeley db file
QxtBdbHashIterator provides a fast iterator over a QxtBdbHash
QxtBdbTree template berkeley container for tree structured data
QxtBdbTreeIterator tree iterator on QxtBdbtree

QxtAbstractConnectionManager Interface for classes that maintain connection pools.
QxtAbstractFileLoggerEngine The base class of file logger engines.
QxtAbstractIOLoggerEngine The base class of IO logger engines.
QxtBasicFileLoggerEngine A basic file logger engine.Example basic file log output:.
QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine A basic STD logger engine.Example basic STD log output:.
QxtCommandOptions Parser for command-line options.
QxtCsvModel Provides a QAbstractTableModel for CSV Files.
QxtDaemon Qt Implementation of a Unix daemon.
QxtDeplex put a standard QIODevice into a QxtPipe chain
QxtError Information about Errors ocuring inside Qxt.
QxtFifo Simple Loopback QIODevice.
QxtFileLock The QxtFileLock class provides a crossplattform way to lock a QFile.
QxtFuture Reference to a future result of a QxtSlotJob.
QxtJob Execute a Job on a QThread. once or multiple times.
QxtLineSocket Acts on a QIOdevice as baseclass for line-based protocols.
QxtLinkedTree fast Container for tree structured data
QxtLinkedTreeIterator FIXME: nested would be cooler but c++ has no typdefs with templates and doxygen doesnt undertsand nested templates.
QxtLocale This class has some additional data and functionality, missing in QLocale.
QxtLogStream A logging stream.
QxtLogger An easy to use, easy to extend logging tool.
QxtLoggerEngine The parent class of all extended Engine Plugins.
QxtMetaObject provides extensions to QMetaObject
QxtMultiSignalWaiter Block and process events until a group of signals is emitted.
QxtNull An object representing the "null" value for QxtNullable.
QxtNullable distinct null value compatible with any data type.
QxtPimpl Hide private details of a class.
QxtPipe a pipeable QIODevice
QxtPointerList a list of pointers to QObjects, that cleans itself
QxtRPCService Transmits Qt signals over a QIODevice.
QxtSemaphore system wide semaphore (former QxtSingleInstance)
QxtSharedPrivate base class for shared data objects using the pimpl idom
QxtSignalGroup Groups signals together in a Boolean fashion.
QxtSignalWaiter Block and process events until a signal is emitted.
QxtSlotJob Execute an arbitary Slot on a QThread.
QxtStdStreambufDevice QIODevice support for std::streambuf.
QxtStdio QIODevice and QxtPipe support for stdin and stdout.
QxtTuple Arbitrary-length templated list.
QxtXmlFileLoggerEngine An XML file logger engine.Example XML log output:.

QxtBlowFish Blowfish Encryption Class.
QxtHash Hashing funcions.

QxtApplication An extended QApplication with support for native event filters.
QxtBaseSpinBox A spin box with support for numbers in base between 2 and 36.
QxtCheckComboBox An extended QComboBox with checkable items.
QxtConfigDialog A configuration dialog.
QxtConfirmationMessage A confirmation message.
QxtCountryComboBox An extended QComboBox to display countries.
QxtCountryModel A subclass of QAbstractTableModel to display country data.
QxtDockWidget An extended QDockWidget that remembers its size.
QxtFlowView An ItemView for Images with impressive Flow effects.
QxtGlobalShortcut A global shortcut aka "hotkey".
QxtGroupBox A collapsive and checkable QGroupBox.
QxtHeaderView An extended QHeaderView with optionally proportional section sizes.
QxtItemDelegate An extended QItemDelegate with additional signals and optional decoration.
QxtItemEditorCreator An extended QItemEditorCreator with default values for user-chosen properties.
QxtItemEditorCreatorBase Provides means for introducing default property values to initialize an editor with.
QxtLabel A label which is able to show elided and rotated plain text.
QxtLanguageComboBox An extended QComboBox to display langauges.
QxtLetterBoxWidget A letter box widget.
QxtListWidget An extended QListWidget with additional signals.
QxtListWidgetItem An extended QListWidgetItem.
QxtNativeEventFilter A native event filter to access platform specific events.
QxtProgressLabel A label showing progress related time values.
QxtProxyStyle A proxy style.
QxtPushButton An extended QPushButton with rotation and rich text support.
QxtScheduleView The QxtScheduleView provides an iCal like view to plan events.
QxtSpanSlider A QSlider with two handles.
QxtStandardItemEditorCreator An extended QStandardItemEditorCreator with default values for user-chosen properties.
QxtStars A stars assessment widget.
QxtStringSpinBox A spin box with string items.
QxtStringValidator The QxtStringValidator class provides validation on a QStringList or a QAbstractItemModel.
QxtTabBar An extended QTabBar.
QxtTabWidget An extended QTabWidget.
QxtTableWidget An extended QTableWidget with additional signals.
QxtTableWidgetItem An extended QTableWidgetItem.
QxtToolTip Show any arbitrary widget as a tooltip.
QxtTreeWidget An extended QTreeWidget with additional signals.
QxtTreeWidgetItem An extended QTreeWidgetItem.
QxtWindowSystem QxtWindowSystem provides means for accessing native windows.

QxtRPCPeer Transmits Qt signals over a network connection.

QxtSqlPackage full serialiseable QSqlQuery storage
QxtSqlPackageModel provides a read-only data model for QxtSqlPackage result.
QxtAbstractHttpConnector Base class for defining HTTP-based protocols for use with QxtHttpSessionManager.
QxtAbstractWebService Base interface for web services.
QxtAbstractWebSessionManager Base class for QxtWeb session managers.
QxtHtmlTemplate Basic Html Template Engine.
QxtHttpServerConnector A built-in HTTP server for QxtHttpSessionManager.
QxtHttpSessionManager Session manager for HTTP-based protocols.
QxtMail Implicit shared contianer, reflecting a rfc822 mail.
QxtScgiServerConnector An SCGI connector for QxtHttpSessionManager.
QxtSendmail can send your QxtMail using the local sendmail program
QxtWebContent I/O device for data sent by the web browser.
QxtWebErrorEvent Describes an error condition to be sent to a web browser.
QxtWebEvent Base class of all QxtWeb event types.
QxtWebPageEvent Describes a web page or other content to be sent to a web browser.
QxtWebRedirectEvent Describes a redirect event to be sent to a web browser.
QxtWebRemoveCookieEvent Describes a cookie to be deleted from a web browser.
QxtWebRequestEvent Describes a request from a web browser.
QxtWebServiceDirectory Path-based web service dispatcher.
QxtWebSlotService Provides a Slot based webservice.
QxtWebStoreCookieEvent Describes a cookie to be sent to a web browser.
Last changelog:

- QxtCore
* Added QxtModelSerializer
* Removed obsolete QxtSemaphore

- QxtGui
* Added rich text support to QxtItemDelegate
* Removed obsolete QxtTabWidget::TabMovementMode & QxtTabBar
* Removed obsolete QxtDockWidget
* Revised QxtConfigDialog & QxtConfigWidget
* Enhanced QxtWindowSystem::idleTime() to resolve libXss at run-time

- Added QxtZeroConf module for configure free service discovery

Significant bugfixes to QxtSmtp and QxtWeb have been pushed. Thanks alot to our external contributors Marcus Lindblom and Scott Aron Bloom

We introduced a few frequently requested implementations for the web: XML-RPC and JSON-RPC.

- QxtXmlRpcClient allows you to connect to common webservices that work over xmlrpc.
- QxtJSON lets you work with JSON data, which is just as common in the modern webs
- QxtJSONRpcClient follows and lets you talk to JSON-RPC services.

Ratings & Comments



Is this library is working for Symbian platform??


Hello boys during compilation I get these error: compiling debug/.moc/moc_qxtglobalshortcut.cpp rcc resources.qrc cygwin warning: MS-DOS style path detected: C:/Qt/2010.01/qt/binrcc.exe Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /cygdrive/c/Qt/2010.01/qt/binrcc.exe CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning. Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths: /usr/bin/sh: C:/Qt/2010.01/qt/binrcc.exe: No such file or directory mingw32-make[2]: *** [debug/.rcc/qrc_resources.cpp] Error 127 mingw32-make[2]: Leaving directory `C:/libqxt/src/gui' mingw32-make[1]: *** [debug] Error 2 mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/libqxt/src/gui' mingw32-make: *** [sub-src-gui-make_default] Error 2 Does anybody before mentioned these problems to you.... Paltform: XP sp3 qt4.6.1


how can i convert the api to qt 4.4.0 ? all attempts with qhelpconverter and qhelpgenerator breaking with syntax errors.


we are aware of that problem. I'm sorry if it couses any inconvinience but for assistant-4.4 you'll have to use the html docs for now :( fix is underway but didnt make it in this release.

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version 0.6.0
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