Qt Linguist Download
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Does somebody 'external' want to translate your Qt based application? Don't spend your time packaging together Qt Linguist or their time letting them install the whole Qt SDK.
Send your translator this package, because it simply works.
Experimental support for editing multi-length strings.
Using Qt 4.5.2, which has diverse fixes
Fixed a crash caused by opening files for which we have no plural rules.
Fixed a crash upon dropping text into a non-focused line edit.
Support translating into multiple languages simultaneously.
Added support for GNU Gettext .po files.
Much improved form preview tool.
Removed translations column from message index for it being useless.
Phrasebooks have language settings now
Whitespace is now visualized
Font resizing in translation textedits
Support opening files via Drag & Drop
Ratings & Comments
1 there is no way to download.
Version 4.6.0 is old and uses an old format of TS files. There is Qt Linguist 4.8.0 in Qt SDK version 1.1.5. It is hidden in C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.0\msvc2010\bin\linguist.exe. (There is another one in C:\QtSDK\QtCreator\bin\linguist.exe, but that is 4.7.4.)
I have been using Qt-Linguist for a few years, upon request from a recurring client. It is quite a nice and simple tool, but am strongly missing the following: 1 - full display of original sentences in suggestion 2 - color highlight of differences between original for translation and original text in suggestions 3 - shortcut for inserting original text in translation 4 - Choice of font size or Zoom 5 - TMX import (for suggestions)
Hi, I've read that the licensing for Qt Linguist from this site is GPL. I have translation files generated by comercially licensed Qt lupdate app. Can translators use Qt Linguist 4.5 downloaded from this site to translate translation files that will be used for closed (comercial) application? What is the licensing in the case above? I hope I will not have to buy whole new Qt license in order translator person to use Qt Linguist? Thanks.
That's actually a good question. I am not an expert in that regard. My understanding is however, that the outcome (translation) which your translators edit with this GPL licensed program should not be affected by its "GPLness". QtLinguist is not part of your commercial product but only part of your workflow. If you have a support license at QtSoftware, you could ask them for a precise and quick legal answer. I'd be interested in the result. And if all that does not work, the instructions how to build this package can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/qtlinguistdownload/w/list Best Regards, Alessandro Portale
I'm sorry. I've opened the original QT linguist on my system and not yours. Now I've seen the menu items Release and Release AS - very good. And yes it works :) best regards, M
Hello aportale, nice to have QLinguist downloadable for end users to translate our apps at home. But I'm missing lrelease integrated. If the endusers could create its owm .qm file they could copy it to the installation path of the apps without "annoying" us with new or user defined translations. best regards, M
Thanks, nice to hear that you find it useful. The functionality of lrelease is actually built in Qt Linuist. If the enduser selects "File->Release (As)" in the Linguist menu, he can save a .qm version of the translation. Please let me know if that does not work for your use case or if you see other reasons to ship lrelease.exe in the package.