Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It also integrates all LaTeX tools into one application, so you can start all commands with just one key press.
TeXstudio 2.12
TeXstudio 2.12.10
- improvement recognized latex commands and packages for completion/syntax checking
- complete package names when they contain minus
- do not clean .git subfolder with auxiliary files
- pdf viewer: improved previous page jumping, fix embedded movie boxes (when compiled with phonon)
- option to use qt file dialog rather than system file dialog
- fix structure view with Qt >5.10
- bug fixes
TeXstudio 2.12.8
- improved tokenizer for syntax checking and completion
- pressing Ctrl+F while the editor search has focus opens the extended search, i.e., you'll get extended search by pressing Ctrl+F twice
- automatically insert math delimiters ($) when inserting a math command outside of a math env (can be turned off, default on)
- change copy behavior of multiple cursors from selection order to line order
- file list is now a transparent popup window: closes when clicked outside
- combine file conflict and show diff dialog
- fix file watcher not recognizing multiple changes to a file in quick succession
- improved detection of package names when opening texdoc
- new symbol panel layout
- some touch scrolling on certain panels
- updated synctex and poppler libraries for pdf viewer
- fix undo when a snippet is inserted and a selection is inserted as well
- fix some parts of the editor background may not be drawn in the correct color
- build for OSX High Sierra
- various other fixes
TeXstudio 2.12.6
- use Breeze window theme on KDE Plasma 5 (thanks to Alexander Wilms)
- support single-finger panning gesture on most config dialog components
- support single-finger panning touch gesture on log viewer
- pdf viewer scroll tool: support single-finger panning gesture
- center width-constrained documents in the editor (optional)
- add document tab context menu entries "Close" and "Close All Other Documents"
- improved layout of config build page
- add system check for language tool
- change search defaults to case-insensitive (feature-requests#1254)
- tags for beamer
- change preview default to embedded pdf
- handle preview failures more gracefully, i.e. no warning pop-ups
- repect preview settings (panel,etc) also for hover preview
- show hover preview as tooltip in case of inline-mode
- warn if compiler commands are actually a command list
- several improvements to the latex parser
- notify that a restart is required when switching between modern and classic style
- improved LanguageTool communication: better error handling
- add reset to default button for some LT settings
- add 200ms delay before showing auto-hidden viewer toolbar to prevent flicker
- eye candy for pdf circular magnifier (adapted code from texworks)
- show pdf highlight in magnifier
- capslock does not close completer any more
- alternative approach for determine directories from complete texts
- use cache for previews
- auto open completer when starting to type in references, packages etc.
- scripting: editor.cutBuffer
- subframetitle in structure view
- enable inputMethod (e.g. ^) in completer
- change default for complete non-text chacters to off, as it tends to cause unexpected behaviour
- fix word separation with punctuation
- fix: remove incorrect warning "Unknown magic comment" for "% !TeX TS-program = "
- fix: avoid compile fail if magic comment program is spelled wrongly
- fix: duplicate lines in autogenerated cwl files
- fix multi line argument interpretation
- fix pdfviewer in enlarged mode
- fix editing of basic shortcuts
- fix number in length keyVals
- fix flickering in structure view
- fix crash with qimage cache
- fix crash when restoring centralVSplitterState (bug 2175)
- fix highlighting of current entry in structure
- fix Open Terminal not working on windows QTBUG-57687 (bug 217
- fix column detection for tabu/longtabu
TeXstudio 2.12.4
- detect definition of tex counts using \newcount
- improve config dialog layout
- make todo comment detection configurable
- show frame titles in structure view
- support table alignment in IEEEeqnarray, xtabular and mpxtabular
- table alignment: fix aligning of empty cols
- table alignment: place \\ if last columns is empty
- warn if \begin{column} is used outside columns-env
- workaround for not interpreting $ inside sweave \Sexpr{}
- option to deactivate interperation of command definition in magic comments
- remove pdf viewer subtypes from "Default Viewer" config. PDF viewer subtypes should be selected in "PDF Viewer".
- increase the maximal resolution for pdf rendering (bug 2003)
- toolbar for embedded viewer can not turned-off anymore
- show shortcuts in tooltips (can be deactivated in the options)
- pass non-breaking space to grammar check (fixes bug 2040)
- \item completion no adds a space (feature request 994)
- fix highlighting of current section in structure (bug 2103)
- fix delays when typing _abc
- fix bug in log parser: wrong filename if empty brackets () occur in text
- fix word repetition erro on non-breaking space (~)
- fix file detection in latex/include file
- fix width of side panel not saved (bug 2083)
- fix ampersand in in recent session names
- fix parsing of \RequirePackage in style files if the argument is completed on the same line
- fix misinterpretation of closing brace if extra opening brace is used over multilines
- fix jumping to first page when changing magnifier/hand in pdfviewer
- fix spelling error on words followed by
- show option --version when calling with --help
- fix link to LibreOffice dictionaries
- fix crash on pressing Esc in options
- fix entering persian half-space letter
- fix \maketitle completion
- fix shortcut context on OSX
- fix robustcommand definition
- use $* instead of $@ in BUILD.sh (bug 2042)
- add needspace.cwl
- update some cwls
- add turkish translation
TeXstudio 2.12.2
- PDF shortcuts are now changable
- Support LanguageTool json API (needed for LanguageTool > 3.5)
- slightly improved layout of config dialog
- improved detection of stdout and stderr redirection (bug 2019)
- fix: duplicate side panel icons (bug 2016)
- fix: togglefullscreen from maximised and in reverse (bug 2021)
- fix: don't try to call bibtex/biber if there are no bibtex-files (bug 2025)
- fix: detection of programs (bug 2037)
- fix: avoid problems if check latex is called without open documents
TeXstudio 2.12.0
- improved user interface: optimized layout, some new icons, some changes of color
- warn if file-saving fails
- cwl-based highlighting of todo-like commands
- partly support \todo commands spanning multiple lines (starting line is considered for highlighting and structure entry)
- partly support highlighting of multi-line titles: first line is highlighted
- move cursor to context in line when clicking on log entry
- add "Move all to other view" to editor tabs context menu
- add shortcut Ctrl+Alt+X to open the current pdf in the external viewer
- open the annotation dialog by double-clicking on an annotation in the list
- indicate LanguageTool server in tooltip
- indicate cursor RTL state in status bar
- build commands can be edited in non-advanced mode
- auto user commands on single argument math commands e.g. \overbrace{abc}
- support \input of PGF/TikZ files in graphics wizard
- support fix %BEGIN_FOLD in .rnw files
- improved highlighting for pweave and sweave
- improved tooltips on structure entries
- improved text completion: support compound words, apostrophe, subscript in braces, words with underscores
- Parenthesis -> Select Inner/Outer work also when the cursor is not next to a parenthesis but inside
- don't clear highlights of search in pdf after timeout
- revert to pre 2.11.0 save method on windows because the new QSaveFile has problems with Dropbox folders
- option to disable safe writing of files (using QSaveFile) - non-Windows only
- option to disable showing logfile/error list in case of compile errors
- option to deactivate all reactions to external file changes
- option to control the triple click behavior
- additional shortcuts with Tab, Backspace, Del in shortcut options
- portable version does now store all settings in a subfolder "config"
- improved automatic handling of hg version information (relevant when building from source tar)
- improved handling of cwl dublets
- use Ctrl+Space for completion on OS X (was Cmd+Space which conflicts with Spotlight search)
- deprecate command line option --ini-file FILE in favor of --config DIR
- deprecate command line option --master in favor of --root
- remove View -> Align Windows (obsolete because of the embedded viewer)
- remove old toolbox style of side panel
- fix crash (newenv without any arguments)
- fix freeze when parsing incorrect \texorpdfstring with incorrect arguments (bug 194
- fix label detection in glossaries.cwl (bug 1963)
- fix: automatically run bibliography if there is no bbl file
- fix: "Close last open environment" works now also for environments opened on the same line (bug 1957)
- fix: hg version comparision assumed 'larger' if the version could not be determined
- fix: do not lose focus to editor for "Find in PDF"
- fix grammar check on words in text arguments
- fix addchap/addpart entries not recognized as structure elements
- fix incorrect double-click and drag behavior (bug 1936)
- fix issues with not-updated bookmarks (bug 1950)
- fix math hover preview in subfile
- fix "Tab or Indent Selection"
- fix detection of MikTeX 64bit
- fix build with phonon
- improved some cwl files
Ratings & Comments
Normally I use Kile, but your editor have a very good integration in KDE and it is very powerful. It is much, very much better then Texmaker!!! But how can I deactivate the splash screen?
Still some stability trouble with the 2.7 versionon linux
TrollXXX? =) uname -a can see your?
3.11.0-14-generic ??? Only you is trolling here...
Google? =) A full version of the show shy? =( Lying is bad!
Linux dark-VPCF11M1E 3.11.0-14-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 11 18:48:32 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux Do you want also my adress, my phone number? Who are you to ask all theses questions, to censor all comments? Don't you konw that opensource mean liberty and freedom?
Arch Linux 3.13.8-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 1 12:27:17 CEST 2014 i686 GNU/Linux You do not need me, but do not insult the author! Freedom of speech does not mean that you can freely insult! You have a problem? Describe it by application to help you. No need to write "does not work" and write what does not work. PS: -You would not happen from the USA?
In a previous post, you said that you're on Lubuntu14.04b2 and now you're on archlinux...
> In a previous post, you said that you're on Lubuntu14.04b2 and now you're on archlinux... In your so poor that I have one computer? And I use it on the beta version of the system?
If you don't like feedback or comments about your soft, don't publish it on qt-apps. By deleting all feedbacks, you don't give a good reputation to your soft.
The Linux Portal - openDesktop.org Community Portal for OpenSource Desktop, Artwork and Applications Fanatics Mac OS X==>>>The Mac OS X Portal
segmentation fault on ubuntu with large document. PS : why all comments are systematically deleted?
Check now large document TeXstudio 2.7.0/Lubuntu14.04b2, everything turned out fine. PS: This crazy fanatics Mac OS X obscenely insulted on Linux portal.
The comments are deleted by some ultra fanatics of this soft, not by mac users.
I had too some crash on linuxmint.
Just take a look at the texstudio tracker on sourceforge and you will see reports about crash, acces violation and others critical bugs. All comments are deleted by reiniger.
=)) You take drugs? I can not delete, I'm just a user. It is a pity that no comments, very funny, I showed them to friends, all laughing! ))))) Symbol "\" ? You are 100% Fanati Mac OS X =)
I'm on linux and i've already proved it to you. What you say on private message : "Why are all U.S. citizens stupid? "
You have not shown you all found in google. Stupid ones who think they are smarter than everyone! Even if U.S. residents!
whatever the platform, this editor is not totally stable.
License: GNU GPL does not mean that anyone can insult the author, not to confirm his words. Is there a problem? Report it! No need to write insults! Do not offend the author lies, he owe you nothing! The Linux Portal - openDesktop.org admin has been warned about your behavior.
Who write insults and troll here except you??? You said that i'm a liar, that all us citizens are stupid, that macos user are all fanatics and so on...You're continuously voting down all comments (with your friends) to delete them. You're continuously trolling about macos but no messages was related to this OS!! The Qt-apps admin has been also warned about your behavior.
> Who write insults and troll here except you??? Look in the mirror, there it and see! > You're continuously voting down all comments (with your friends) to delete them Do not lie! Write about the problem! Do not write about the complexes! > The Qt-apps admin has been also warned about your behavior Write more Lord God, let him punish me by lightning from heaven!
??? Telling that a soft is not totally stable is not an insult. You can find a ton of comments like this on Qt-Apps.org and nobody complain about that (and it seems that you don't say nothing about this kind of comment about others soft)
Do not insult your emotions website! Do not lie! Write about the problem! Do not write about the complexes! Comments are not interested in me! Show logs! Justify your statements! Now you only insults and hysterical!