Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Latest version, 1.4.2, compiled and tested on an ArchLinux cluster using OpenMPI-1.8.4-1, You should also have numactl installed. If you just execute \"gmandel\" you will create mpi processes and threads on the local host. To run mpi processes across multiple hosts in the cluster, you should use mpirun, for example, \"$ mpirun -np 1 --bind-to core:overload-allowed --machine-file openmpi.hosts gmandel\". The actual number of processes to use in each image generation is set from the gmandel GUI. The \"--bind-to core:overload-allowed\" is used to allow specification of more mpi processes than cores available, while \"openmpi.hosts\" is a file which contains the names of the hosts which make up the cluster. With 5 ArchLinux boxes (30 cores) I\'ve managed to get over 2500 MMIPS (mega mandel iterations per second).
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