Description: search and sort, queue, sparse array, GTK dialog builder, pixbuf rotate, etc. The tarball contains two source programs, a menu-driven test program to exercise the individual functions, and the function library icludes the following utilities among others: MatchWild - compare strings with multiple wildcards (* ?) SearchWild - search for files matching pathname with multiple wildcards anywhere bsearch - binary search an array of strings HeapSort - callback function to compare records, allows weird sorts HashTab - hash table C++ class (fast string store and find) Queue - queue C++ class (push, pop newest, pop oldest) (thread safe) Tree - C++ sparse array class - indexes can be numbers or strings menus and toolbars - build GTK menus and toolbars with simpler code zlock - use GTK in threads more easily and safely wprintf - printf() to scrolling window, specified row or next row zdialog - build GTK dialogs with simpler code pixbuf_rotate - rotate GDK pixbuf through any angle image_gallery - thumbnail image browser and navigator, callback for clicked image
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