Description: The MlView project is an on going effort to develop an XML editor for the GNOME environment. MlView has for goal to support comfortable editing of every XML file and also to provide a particularly powerful platform to edit structured documents (like DocBook).
MlView means Multiple Views and focuses on the support for multiple and different editing views for documents.
Some features are : - cut/copy/paste as child/paste as prev/paste as next of XML elements - XML elements/attributes search - multi-documents edition - several editing views can be opened on the same document - Drag & Drop based copy/cut/past of XML elements - edition of XML elements and attributes directly on the tree - namespace support - on-demand validation (with DTDs) - validation time errors reported graphically - elements/attributes completion feature (based on DTDs) - validation can be switched off - the code is *clean* :-) - schema based validation (RELAX-NG and XSD)
Features that are currently being added to MlView : - completion 'as you type' with a popup menu - powerful key bindings system.
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