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KBibTeX is a BibTeX editor for KDE to edit bibliographies used with LaTeX. Features include comfortable input masks, starting web queries (e. g. Google Scholar or BibSonomy) and exporting to PDF, PostScript, RTF and XML/HTML. As KBibTeX is using KDE's KParts technology, KBibTeX can be embedded into Kile or Konqueror.
Last changelog:

KBibTeX 0.5.2 and 0.6 got released. Version 0.5.2 contains bug fixes for the 0.5 release line, 0.6 is a new feature release.
Changes are documented in the release announcement: https://projects.kde.org/news/304

KBibTeX 0.5.1 has been released. This release contains bug fixes compared to the previous stable release 0.5.

KDE Bug 329724: Fixing sorting issue in main list
KDE Bug 329750: KBibTeX will set itself as default bibliography editor in KDE
KDE Bug 330700: Crash when finding PDFs
KDE Bug 332043: Fixing crash in id suggestion editor
Gentoo Bug 498932: Fixing compilation issue
Gna Bug 21581: Restoring session state (1)
Gna Bug 21545: Restoring session state (2)
Debian Bug 689310: Correctly parsing command line arguments if relative paths are given
Gna Bug 21870: Considering sorting/filtering in main list when processing selected items
KDE Bug 333860: Removing duplicate "else if" clauses on DOI value
Other changes and minor backports from master. See git log v0.5..v0.5.1 or git diff v0.5..v0.5.1 for details.

KBibTeX 0.5 has been released. Its main features include
Initial support for BibLaTeX
Id Suggestion editor like available in old KDE3 version
"Find PDF" function to locate PDF files through web search engines
New online database searches: MathSciNet, Ingenta Connect, Inspire Hep, SAO/NASA ADS, ISBN DB, JStor
Improved memory management
Numerous bug fixes and improvements


KBibTeX 0.5-beta2 has been released. Please test this beta and report bugs at KBibTeX's bug tracker at Gna (not KDE's bug tracker).


KBibTeX 0.4.1 has just been tagged and tar-balled. This release is a maintenance release, although some minor feature improvements from the development trunk have been backported as well.

Everyone using KBibTeX 0.4 is encouraged to upgrade to this version if possible.

Changes from 0.4 to 0.4.1 include, but are not limited to:

Web searches: Improved support for user-triggered cancelling
SpringerLink search: GUI changes, using api.springer.com for search
PubMed: Limiting search requests per time
ACM Portal: Retrieving "month", fixing HTTP header
JSTOR: fixing HTTP header
Google Scholar: Updates to compensate for changes in Google's web layout; handling redirects
Science Direct: Updates to compensate for changes in Science Direct's web layout; handling redirects
arXiv: Trying to extract bibliographic information from journal strings
BibSonomy: Specifying number of hits to find
Web search uses KDE's proxy settings
Using KDE subsystem to open external files (e.g. PDF files)
Adding preview for images (in addition to PDF or HTML files); handling references to arXiv
Squeezing long file names in user interface
Handling quit actions more gracefully
Improving interface to external programs such as pdflatex
More robust XSL transformations
BibTeX import: guessing encoding information left by JabRef, more informative debug output, improved handling of multiple fields with same name
Reference preview: supporting dark color schemes
Fixing sorting in value list
Fixes in setting color tag to entries
Fixes in name formatting
Keeping user interface read-only for read-only use cases
Numerous bug fixes, closing memory leaks, speed improvements
Adding testing application for web searches
Fixes in duplicate merging code: remove fields user doesn't want to keep

Ratings & Comments



Huge thanks!


Just one problem: queries using the IEEEXplore engine do not return any result. I am using the version in trunk at revision 964. The IEEEXplore engine used to work (from time to time I build kbibtex from trunk), but since some time ago it doesn't work. Unfortunately, I can't tell exactly when it stopped to work. Could you please check? Thanks a lot!


Do you plan to port this excellent software to QT4?


I would also like to see this app ported to qt4. Consider, that this would allow a port to windows. (afaik)


When, oh when?


the "patent" entry is not standard, but some bibtex styles recognize it, such as IEEEtran. It could nice to propose it in KBibTex, with the add of special fields such as nationality, dayfiled, monthfiled and yearfiled (cf www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/bibtex/IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf).


This is a very nice piece of software. As a mathematician, I would find it very useful if queries to the mathscinet database (http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/index.html) were also implemented (in addition to ZentralBlatt).


it seemed that 0.14 not well support non utf8 enconding,but 0.13 done well .


Is there any chance for this project to team up with Kile, KDE's latex front-end?


I would definitely second this, i.e. when you edit a bibliography file it automatically uses kbibtex style editing/view


Nice tool and definitely great help for those who are in academia. Nice search and edit options. I wanted something similar when I saw my prof using similar on his Mac :) great help to community. bye ketan


It is what i need, thank you


A SlackWare 10.2 Package with SlackBuild script is ready to download!! http://www.slacky.it/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=1&func=fileinfo&filecatid=821&parent=category


Your work is great But do you know tellico ? http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=10030 Maybe could you reuse some things ...


I have used KBibTeX v.0.1.1 and everything was fine, but after installing v.0.1.2 I cannot see more than half of entries. *.bib file was created by KBibTeX v.0.1.1. What's wrong?


Sorry! I understood, the problem was with quotation marks in titles. Now it works!


hello could you please implement this feature: usually I tend to copy the bib reference by selecting it via mouse and paste it. Now If i coud paste the bib_ref_source directly into kbibtex->element->new->source 'field tab' and it automatically updates the rest of the feilds in the other tabs in the window so from the source it woul fill in the title, author and all the details. another function: an import from endnote format to bib i am sure is possible, but i have not seen this feature. some of the sites provide only endnote/procite refs its a pain to get them converted to bib. thanks for such a great program :)


Hello, usually I don't check this page every day, so if you have questions or comments, please send me an email. If you have problems loading a bibtex file, please attach it to your email so that I can check it myself. Thanks!


Hello, Kbibtex is what I am looking for, however if I import my *.bib file only 1/3 of the entries are listed -- in my case all entries with IDs up to "H*". I added a link for each entry between bibtex entry and the corresponding pdf in the bibtex file. I would be very handy to have a "download pdf from local db" function in Kbibtex. Then I can search entries and open/mail the corresponding pdf. thanks for this useful tool, cheers Oggi


If KBibTeX does not load your .bib file completely, there are two possible reasons: (1) the .bib file is buggy (2) KBibTeX is buggy. Please send me your .bib file for debugging


> I would be very handy to have a "download pdf from local db" function in Kbibtex. The feature you request might be already in the new version. For both the field "url" in "misc" and for valid urls in "user fields" you can click on "open" to open the file in konqueror.


Great application, thanks so much! If you are using the Kanotix Live CD, you can run it by clicking on klik://kbibtex - more information on http://klik.atekon.de/kbibtex


Are you sure the url is correct? I cannot resolve klik.atekon.de...


There is a DNS issue (see http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/1464). Try the IP address: Cheers

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